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Saturday, November 16, 2013
Despite the hard times, I grow stronger
I have endured, I have been broken, I have known hardship, I have lost myself.
But here I stand, still moving forwards, growing stronger each day. I will never forget the harsh lessons in my life. They make me stronger.
The words of wisdom are good, but can you please slow down not have to send so many. It just clutters up Face book & too many do not get time to read them all. Its just too much thanks.
I don't consider any of these words clutter on my wall, sometimes I don't get to read everything on my wall because I don't have time, but I always enjoy posts from Daves Words of Wisdom. They remind me of how far I have come in my life, how I survived and how I find hope and love in every day!! Thank You Dave!! ~T~
The words of wisdom are good, but can you please slow down not have to send so many. It just clutters up Face book & too many do not get time to read them all. Its just too much thanks.
I don't consider any of these words clutter on my wall, sometimes I don't get to read everything on my wall because I don't have time, but I always enjoy posts from Daves Words of Wisdom. They remind me of how far I have come in my life, how I survived and how I find hope and love in every day!! Thank You Dave!! ~T~
Keep it up Dave and I am not anonymous.
look forward to your postings they inspire me and I share with friends that need to hear those words. Blessings Kathy Weir
Love your postings!! They brighten up my day keep it up!! Thanks and God Bless
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