Thursday, May 9, 2013

Never Promised Tomorrow

We are only given today and never promised tomorrow.

So make sure you tell the people who are special in your life
that you love them.


Mariley said...

Life is happening now in this moment we don't know about later or tomorrow....
Love each other always, forgive and enjoy what you have this moment so you will have beautiful memories to remember...

Unknown said...

you know who you are an i love you all more then you know I LOVE YOU ALL,<3<3<3<3

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's true, a man I saw once a month and was always too busy for me, but I knew he loved me, a lot. I showered him with everything my heart, soul and told him all the time I loved him, not for one second did I ever want him to feel not loved. I lived in present, and I have no regrets. He still walked away.

Anonymous said...

Good Night To My Friends, God Bless !