Friday, March 1, 2013

Self-Empowerment From The Hurt Of others...

To all of the people along the way who hurt me,
lied to me, betrayed me and broke my heart...

You forced me to see the change I needed in
my life and gave me the determination, motivation
and a belief that I needed to change.

You gave me more than you could
ever take from me, so thank you..!


Anonymous said...

this really helps with what I am going through right now thank you so much

Anonymous said...

Ifinally came to my senses, all the backstabbing, smearing, insults, lies, deceit, being phony and false accusations. Wasted too many years with all of the accusations, etc. The year 2009 really opened my eyes. Especially those people that you loved so dearly, that betrayed and turned on you for no reason. Done and finish with it all. Can't forgive them for all the pain and hurt they have caused me. Even harder to forget!

Anonymous said...

The same happen to me the one that saying and talking she nee help

Anonymous said...

Let it go--You will feel so much better-This happens to all of us that live in this world--Take the lesson you have learned and grow with it!!What lesson?? Never do to someone else -what was done to you -If you really are a better ,smarter person -because of the hurt--Thank God & Go forward not looking back-

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for that! I have been going through that for a some time. It made me stop and take a good look at myself. It also forced me to change for the better and treat people the way I would want to be treated. The lesson that I learned is to put all your trust and faith in GOD.

Anonymous said...

Went threw this with members of my family, for four years I put up with their insults, put downs and being called a whore and a lot more. well I said enough was enough, I'm a good person and if they can't see that,well get the hell away from me.I quit my job and moved on, hope I never ever see there faces again, blood or not, I don't want you in my life.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I feel all your pain. I have been through alot with my own siblings and prefer not to look back either and not deal with them anymore. They have disrespected me. All because they are bittered or suffering, and want to see us suffering too. I have a kind heart and have respect for the elderly which one of them do not know how to respect anyone so I finally stood up for myself and I told them in their face what they are. So ungrateful and unsupported family members. I don't need them. They can just stay away from me too!! Where are these family morals we all suppose to have? I leave it all to our dear God!! They will one day get their punish.

Anonymous said...

Well said. The people you love and care for the most, are usually the first to let you down, and it is very painful. But when you have finally sussed them out for what they are, you realise that they were never worth your love in the first place x

Anonymous said...

Well said, been there and it really hurts to get treated that way after doing so much for that person.

Anonymous said...

When you do something for someone it should be from the heart with no expectations of receiving anything back. At least that way, you will feel good even if they don't for you know you have done the right thing and will be rewarded for it. Can't tell you how many times I've been hurt or stabbed in the back by my own family, mocked and made fun of, last to be told important things and felt like an outsider. But, no matter how much it hurts, in my heart I have to forgive and turn it over to God and let HIM work things out for me. Holding grudges just destroys those who do hold them and no matter where anyone runs to they just carry those particular problems with them if they don't learn how to deal with them. Sadly to say, from my own experience, sometimes the things we get maddest about are because what was said is true and we don't like hearing negative things pointed out to us. There is only one thing I ask of people and that is love and respect. If they can't give it to me, then I just avoid being around the drama. That doesn't mean I have to hate them just because we don't agree. Life is too short to spend all your life in bitterness. Don't forget that if you are judged wrongfully that God says he will judge others as they have judged you. So, let God take you under HIS arms and comfort you all!..God's blessings to all of those who have been hurt by loved ones. May you find peace.

Unknown said...

Thank you. Very well said.....