Thursday, January 31, 2013

Falling Down Is A Part Of Life

There comes a time in your life when you just have to walk away
from all the drama in your life and the people who create it.

You surround yourself with people who make you laugh,
forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people
who treat you right and pray for those that don't.

Life is too short to be anything but happy.

Falling down is a part of life,
getting back up is living!


Anonymous said...

This is so very true :)
I believe a person can over analyze their relationships with others and sometimes in that over analyzing they get 'stuck' psychologically. Especially in the sense of one's own emotions one get into a rut....a habit of faulty responses just because one is use to doing so! The way to find relief, freedom and go forward from that kind of rut is to trust a better outcome is available by simply acting the part of a confident, poised and high self-esteemed possesses person until such time that a person really feels that way on the inside about themselves! I am a introvert and 90% of all situations that I've done that I'm able to move forward and solve problems in some areas of my life that don't budge any other way.... best wishes for any who read this comment :)

Anonymous said...

wow , thank you for these true words
the live is like that
falling down ,
stand up ,
keep a smile ,
and everything will go easier in life
it needs force and trust ,
but it works..
best regards

Anonymous said...

I can truly relate, and thank you for these true words these words I really needed....

Dave keep posting your words of wisdom they are very much needed.......God Bless ...:)...

Anonymous said...

it's true and I agree! This is a timely reminder for all of us! Thanks Dave...Keep on inspiring people!

Anonymous said...

Life get's hard sometime's but I will get over it!!

Anonymous said...

I want to get up very badly but I am so mad at myself and so sick and tired of going to counselors who just blow smoke up your b--- and don't really offer any good advice-I NEED A TEAM OF LINEBACKERS TO GET ME MOTIVATED AND KEEP ME THERE!

Anonymous said...

My Sisters and I didn't get the chance to be 2gether as children and we found each other late in Life but we Found each other and that is What Counts!!And they can make me Laugh!! Love them Much!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the post above is from my younger brother, if it isn't then I hope that he too can find our laughter and know that the past was, and the present is....... well the "present" they call it that because it is a gift

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These words are so and people can be so cruel x x x

thankful said...

I agree....sometimes you have to fake it till you make it. I know I have.

Anonymous said...

I agree. So much happening in my life right now. My parents recently passed and "other" family members are just causing so much drama. I know my parents would be ashamed of them all. Thank you and keep writing your post. I am so inspired by them.

Anonymous said...