Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Only Trust Those Who Can See...

Only trust someone who can see these three things in you.

The sorrow behind your smile,
The love behind your anger,
The reason behind your silence.

That way you know they understand you.


Anonymous said...

If someone really knows you. They will recognize these signs.!

Unknown said...

Thats a fact but if you recognize with some and they don't accept the fact that you see the signs...???

Anonymous said...

Thats so true.

Anonymous said...

Yea but now to find that one person.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't have to be just one person, I have several people in my life that recognise these things in me....I am blessed & they will know who they are

Happy New Year Wishes 2022 said...

let the kids go out and find other kids that they like and want to play with; don't force them to hang out with your pre-selected 'friends' at pre-arranged locations, dates and times!

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