Thursday, June 6, 2013

Leave The Past In The Past

The past should be left in the past because it can
destroy your future.

Live your life for what tomorrow has to offer,
not what yesterday has taken away.


ANN said...

so true

Anonymous said...

Very much true

Anonymous said...

so true

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

So inspiring!

Anonymous said...

That's what makes life easier

Anonymous said...

Staying stuck in a moment took more than two years of my life its only when you realize there was no other "what if" then I was able to move forward.

Anonymous said...

Its true bt also nt true in my life expreinces...

Anonymous said...

Also stuck in for 2 yrs but haven't been able to stop at the realization that there are no more "what if" :'( He keeps coming back and I let him

Anonymous said...

That's a fact because as long as you are living in yesterday your future is like on pause from the best forget it, forgive, try again, move on and its according to your situation. Success is a choice!!!!

Anonymous said...

really true.....