Saturday, June 22, 2013

It's Not Always About YOU

Some people need to learn that their
words and actions do have an affect on other.

So be careful of those things you say and do
and remember, it's not always about YOU.


Anonymous said...

I often 4get. Its definitely 1 of the many things about me that I'm working on correcting

James ouellette said...

1 of the many things that I try 2 work on on a daily basis

Ken said...

Yeah, I guess you're right. It's not really my Wife's fault that she is just a natural born "ASSHOL"!

Anonymous said...

The truth hurts, but needs to be told ....

Anonymous said...


Robin Edgar said...

I would have thought that ALL people need to learn that their words and actions, or indeed lack thereof. . . DO have an affect on others. No?

Anonymous said...

yes this is so true. I just laid to rest my aunt and my father within weeks of each other. I just laid my father to rest yesterday. And there were such hurtful words and action towards me and my daughter that they will never be 4 heart is heavy with grief I pray that the Lord will lighten my heart once again soon. and I pray my daughter will find comfort with the Lord as I will.and for those of you who may have suffered the same as I or may suffer the same may God bless and be with you in your time of sorrow

bright eyes said...

actions speck louder than words

michael said...

i like this one -

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear of your father and aunt passing recently... Try not to focus any of your energy towards ANYTHING else that can bring you hurtful and evil words and actions... You got it right..keep praying and everything will be alright for you and your daughter.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. I have the Lord in my life and that is what has been my shelter from my pain. It does a heart good when someone you don't know cares enough to say such kind words. May God bless and be with you and yours.