Thursday, May 9, 2013

Being A Part Of Your Life

When someone TRULY wants to be a part of your LIFE
they will make a GENUINE effort to become a part of it.


Anonymous said...

its true

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Provided we put in effort as well..

Anonymous said...

And when you try to be apart of someones life and they don't ever come around to see you in person or contact you by text or calling and you have to always be the one to keep the relationship going after awhile your wasteing your matter how much you try to think it will be have to face reality and move on with your life or you can be waiting forever and your life has passed by being in a fantacy world. I want to LIVE IN REALITY. See the world the way it is not make believe!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am going through this now. I am trying and trying to keep a friendship going. And the other person says they are still a friend, but their actions just don't show it. It is difficult, I need to move on.