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It's really true
It's so true
So true
Dad i know you are always there.i miss you and love you .
Janie and Johnie Smith, I know you are still beside me I miss you and I love you both.
I know my husband is with me always i hear him I love and miss u so much
My 16 yr old grandson will always be near..this I know
really true...i know you are still beside me...and how i miss so much..really i am.
MOM & DAD ; Hope you're always guiding ,protecting ,& looking upon us. We longed & missed you so much!
For my nephew Jose R.I.P
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It's really true
It's so true
So true
Dad i know you are always there.i miss you and love you .
Janie and Johnie Smith, I know you are still beside me I miss you and I love you both.
I know my husband is with me always i hear him I love and miss u so much
My 16 yr old grandson will always be near..this I know
really true...i know you are still beside me...and how i miss so much..really i am.
Hope you're always guiding ,protecting ,& looking upon us.
We longed & missed you so much!
For my nephew Jose R.I.P
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