Sunday, October 26, 2014

Me ? Normal ? Never Gonna Happen...

At times we will have "one of those moments"

You know the kind. Those moments that are simply and
completely out of character, however.....

As we move through life it is a bit scary the frequency in which
these "moments" occur....
All we can do is smile about it and save up those "moments"
so we can tell the stories, share the madness and at least
look back on life and feel satisfied that our life was not
a "normal" one.


Anonymous said...

This is so true why be normal when the rest of the world is crazier than me. lol.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Big smiles, very satisfied- ticking all todays 'moments' as i write, n gonna be doing so for some time yet... Defo one of those days... :D