Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Have My Children's Back...

Sometimes my children think I'm getting on their back.

What they don't understand is that I'm the
only one who has their back...!


Unknown said...

Yes, so true, unfortunately it takes them a number of years to realise it!

johnna lamartiniere said...

This is for my kids.

Anonymous said...

Always xxx

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they think we are the enemy, when in fact we are their ally and only watching out for them. xx

tweety said...

Ya it does

Anonymous said...

Well....my daughter 18 of age decided to leave home cause I wanted her to finish school.....:'(:'(:'(:'( where did I go wrong???

Anonymous said...

so true...once they become parents, only then they will understand what mothership is...

Anonymous said...

no kidding still waiting for mine to realize that how long did you say it takes lol

Anonymous said...

you did not so don't beat yourself up over this I did for 2 years and in two year I had a heart attack and a stroke don't go there not your fault

Unknown said...

I love my children even I'm to far to take care of them I'm alwaysh here to support and love you no matter what happen even sometimes you think that I'm against you will.

Anonymous said...

Children think there way of doing things is right and my way is wrong. I hope when they get my age and there children get their age they will get it.

Anonymous said...

that is the truth!

Anonymous said...

Could both of dad or mom hold each other back insread?