Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Supporting The Fight Against Cancer..

Many of us have, in one way or another, been affected by cancer. A Family member, a close friend and even yourself. It is a noble thing to support a worthy cause and I hope you will all join me in supporting this one. I myself lost my mother to cancer and I hope one day that a cure or treatment can be found that will prevent the heartache and loss of so many all over the world.

Thank you ~ Dave Hedges


Anonymous said...

Mothers, anyone, friends family, a stranger, cancer!

Anonymous said...

Cancer is a ugly world. It touches so many people. My family included. My brother was recently diagnosed with Brain, back, and just had a kidney removed Friday. And The Cancer Treatment Center of America has been a blessing for hope with his treatment. Prayers for everyone this ugly disease has touched past and present.

Anonymous said...

I am 11 years survivor of breast cancer and I am thankful to Someone up above for giving me life up to the present. I pray very soon a treatment be within our reach.Many died because they cannot afford for chemoteraphy. Prayers to all.

Anonymous said...

Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins all lost to this horrible disease.

Anonymous said...

I have survived throat cancer and so glad. I lost my voice but I still can talk with a machine. God is good.

louise d said...

My doc actually cured my breasr cancer he is DR.Vincent Ansanelli of Plainview NY he uses laser breast surgery right in office it's so Star Trek that it's a 1 day procedure!!! it's been 1 year now and there is NO TRACE OF IT IN ME!!! He is the best!!! because he doesn't use chem or rad and because the big pharma hates him he has to charge cash to most people, but I have my life!! for lumpectomy it's $2,500 for removal of breast it's $5,000 but he worked with me that, People don't use Rad or cghemo it will kill you doc cannot legally tell you not to use either but I can and I'm living PROOF!!!! of course I am now 95 % vegan and take querctin and extract of green tea which makes sulfrane which kills any and all cancer cells in body no matter where they are!!!!

Anonymous said...

my mam was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 months ago, she made the surgery n she s now under the chemotherapy. she s fighting for her life n our life too. I hope she ll be ok so soon, I know she ll,,, she s strong woman.

Nancy said...

Cancer has claimed too many lives and has caused too much pain! It needs to be eradicated from our lives forever!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I lost my sixteen year old daughter to that nasty c-word and since than my life has changed.

Anonymous said...

My Dad had lung cancer. Drs operated and removed part of a lung and gave him 5 years to live. My Dad lived 17 more years and we would have lost him anyway cause he was diagnosed with Alzheimers. The lung took him before he turned nasty from the alzheimers. I know that for sure because his mother and sister both passed from alzheimers and I saw how horrible it was for them. So for anyone that doesn t believe, there is a GOD!!!!! Thank you so much God for giving my Dad those extra 12 years and for taking him before the alzheimers got bad.

Anonymous said...

cancer !! you took my Mom at age 48 my dad at 59 my grandma grandpa my aunts my uncle !!! I hate you now you took my best friend !you have a hold of 2 of my family at this time .All the cemo all the pain it's HORRILE IT'S HELL IT'S CANCER !!! YOU HAVE CHANGED ME MY ,FAMILY FOR LIFE !!!! I PRAY FOR ALL WHO HAVE THIS C WORD ...MY ♥ MY PRAYERS TO ALL MY LOVE TO MY FAMILY FRIENDS AND ALL WHO HAVE HAD TO DO THIS IT'S HARD ...

Anonymous said...

I am fighting a stadium 4 colo-rectum cancer which has been spread to my liver.... since the prognosis is not so good, I have read about 7.8 month (my doctor was not able to give prognosis). I choose not to use conventional medical treatments so far (2 months since the diagnostic). Hopefully the alternative treatment I choose will work well.

Unknown said...

my brother is 17 and has had it for 3 years now! osteosarcoma! Today the dr told him theres no cure and hes going to prolong him and do more experiments...;( theres gotta be a cure out there! He is getting negative now:(

Anonymous said...

Where can i find this extract my mother has small cell cancer and her chemo didnt work for her

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I am 23yrs old an my dad is 66. We have found out that he has stage 4 cancer. Started in his right lung now its spread to his left lung, stomach, back, liver, and his bones. This is not easy at all. He is taking chemo but the drs said without 2-4months with 12-18months..it has now been 6months since we found out :( I am definitely not prepared for the worst and pray to God we will have longer with him! He is the greatest person I know in my life an has been here for me through everything an he has 3grandkids one of which I just had 5months ago.that's what threw me into labor was freaking out over this. I want my son to grow up enough to know his pawpaw :(

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with liver cancer on March 13,2012 and was told that I had 1yr. With out some kinda treatments well here it is May 10 2013 and I have been in remission for 3mts.and it has showed back up in my blood work so I have started kimo back up and see where what when and whatfore ok I give it too God is Hands and Prayer will get me through this I believe that God will work his prayers on me Iam not asking for a lifetime just to let my 9yr.old grow up to understand and deal with it God Bless anyone and everyone that's dealing with it are a loved ones that are feeling or dealing with the pain of it.

Anonymous said...

Please keep your faith strong anything is possible. I was diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer on October 18 2012. of course it came as a shock to say the least esp. since I have never been sick a day in my life that required a doctors visit. I prayed to God to take this cancer away and it was about three weeks later I found out no sign of cancer could be detected!! I know God took the cancer away there is no doubt! How long God will give me I do not know I will thank him for each and every day I am blessed with. praise the lord and have faith he will be there for you. there is a reason for everything. may God bless and hold you all.

Anonymous said...

There is a cure for cancer, so I suggest you look at this on the web. A cure for cancer the FDA tried hard to shut down. We must face facts here, to have a cure would mean drugs companies will be out of busines. They don't give a damn, as long as they are making money with their 'Dirty Medicine' and I recommend this book to everyone with that title by Martin Walker researcher and ativist. Science is big business.

Anonymous said...

My nephew my sister'son had a stage 4 lungs cancer he's only 25 years old never smoke and drink he's been in the hospital for almost a month now he can't breath on his own, kidneys were already damage 24 hrs. of dialysis now jondis because the liver is affected I don't know how long more he going to suffer and also he was born with Polisystic kidney, his mom my sister died when he was 15 months he's father who is a LAPD officer shot his mom on the head. I don't know what to think anymore why he? Please pray for him the name is Rene thanks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you an praise God every day. I lost my husband to Throat and tounge cancer 5 months ago. Praise God He is in Heaven.

Anonymous said...

I have recently been diagnosed with cervical, uterine, and thyroid cancer. I'm worried cuz still don't know wat stage I have but hoping for da best. Cancer is a very ugly word. I hope n pray for everyone that has it. Good luck everyone in ur fight against this ugly disease.

Anonymous said...

I lost my mom from cancer in 1993.I hate cancer I'm a frigther to

Anonymous said...

I have throat cancer lost two young men"cousins" both to throat cancer.my father beat it two yrs.latet got non related lung cancer that took his life.my gram had 18children she has 6left 7including herself were lost to cancer,1my mother descease.I also lost my husband of 15yrs.at the age of 34 to cancer throughout his entire body before they found it. He died like a helpless bird without wings in 7wks.I'm 43 I have nodules malignant and conflictive,in my thyroid,v.box,lung.I just refused treatment last year and put my faith in God,I am losing my teeth 1by 1.gained a ton of weight.I am afraid to. Face this monsterous desease...I beat breast cancer in 98.I'm proud of you whoever you are.my family doesn't know,thank you for your story and courage it gave me a Denver of hope.

Anonymous said...

I had cervical cancer. I'm so glad i fought it. My dad passed away with cancer he had 3 different kinds.. Cancer isn't nothing to mess with. I pray that there will be a cure against cancer

Anonymous said...

I was taught to never say I hate something or someone. But I hate that c word! I lost my mom to stomache cancer on April 21, 2011. Never heard of such type until she was diagnosed. She was a young 70 years full of life. God I miss her n but I'm glad she is on the right hand side of God. So I know I will see her again.

Anonymous said...

Lost my mom & dad from cancer! Had on the whole entire family, a really bad thing. Hopefully someday they will find a cure.** SOON**

Anonymous said...

Me. But i'm here always fighting. All together now and in future, hoping that a cure will be find.

Unknown said...

Hi this is Angela Doster I am currently doing the help whip cancer as well if you can please contact me maybe we can fight this together here are my links :http://www.facebook.com/PamperedChefsKookingBlossom#

Every May the Pampered Chef runs an amazing campaign called "HELP WHIP CANCER".
This is where we PAINT THE TOWN PINK with our PINK PRODUCTS! $1 from the sale of EVERY PINK PRODUCT goes to the American Cancer Society. I always make it my personal goal to bring as much awareness as I can to this terrible disease and spread the word! We have raised over 11 million dollars over the years towards this amazing cause!

Please consider printing out our fundraiser flyer and passing around gathering orders for our Pink Products to show your support! I can also email you a copy! Will you help me and the Pampered Chef to HELP WHIP CANCER?

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that if someone can't aford chemotherapy, they can't receive it....I thought everyone is aforded that treatment even if they can't afford it....I have to read up on this...I can't believe they would let someone die because they can't afford payment....God Bless us all.....

Anonymous said...

Ive been fighting the c word for awhile now! Had a double masectomy am going through the reconstructive prosses for ages now with more surg to do. have had implants in one is under my arm pit the other is not much better! Now waitn for more implants to b put in (properly) but am on the public waiting list have been for 1 yr now for this! its a horrible disease wishing they would find a cure! Melbourne vic.

Anonymous said...

My Mom had a double masectomy--before Mrs Betty Ford. She suffered in silence in an age where body image has been glorified out of all proportion.

Unknown said...

I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in 2012. I'm now recovering after chemo and radio. I hope I will have many more years of good health before it's time to go to the other side.

Anonymous said...

I had one doctor who refused to see me, follow my care because there was a screw-up with my health insurance for a few days. He cancelled my apt and told me to call back when I had insurance. Needless to say I transferred my care to Dana Farber.

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing! I have lung cancer and they gave me 1 year to live. It has now been almost 10 months and I have too many things that need to be done. I am 47 yrs. old and am now on hospice, the chemo wasn't working anymore and the cancer already was in my bones, surgery was then not an option. I believe that God will help me through this and grant me the opportunity to live for many more years to come.

Anonymous said...

Please tell your family. please. You might not think you're worth it, but you are precious beyond all words and you need to step out in faith toward them, give them a chance to show you just how much they love you. My best friend just passed of cancer, pretty much the same as your husband, it was shocking and it was fast - and it is devastating.
She prayerfully decided not to fight. She's with Our Lord now. Tell your family O.K.? God bless you sister. praying for you!!!

Anonymous said...

March 2012 diagnosed with aggressive prostrate cancer. I thought it was literally the end of my world. Over the last year I've had hormone therapy along with radio therapy & to my surprise things have gone really well. They never say you're cured but my consultant expects me to die of a something other than cancer. I'm 64, hope & expect to live well in to my 90's god willing. Never give up hope, always be positive.

Anonymous said...

I am fighting the battle right now, it will be Fall of 2013 until treatment is complete, but I am staying very positive, keep fighting. Prayer and faith are getting me through this, If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

studio62 said...

I have had two sister in laws and three friends stricken with breast cancer and it's my prayer that the next generations will not have to deal with this ugly disease .....

thank you for having this post and allowing others to make there self heard a group like this is healing in it's self, we all need to speak on the effect this is doing to us and the people we love so thank you

Donna Williams Ellis said...

Cancer has affected my family on many levels...My daughter, my brother-in-law, and my mother.

At the age of 19 my daughter was diagnosed with cervical cancer when we found out she was pregnant. She had to endure the uncertainty of the outcome until the delivery of our youngest granddaughter Taylor. She underwent many procedures to insure they got it all, and it did leave her cancer free, but it also left her with out the ability to have other children...we live everyday with the fear it will return.

My brother in law, had skin cancer, which did take his life in the end, he fought a brave battle and continued to work through out the years he went thru treatments.

My mother Ellen Williams was diagnosed with Breast cancer, she was a strong women who refused to give up the fight. She was a strong advocate in Breast Cancer awareness, she promoted self examination and strived to instill it my brain as well as my daughters the importance of it. Through education, mother was in remission for 8 years when she had a fatal heart attack which took her life.

It is because of Cancer effecting so many in my life, which have offspring that could possibly endure the same fate, it is my goal to help find a cure!!!

Anonymous said...

My brother passed away at the age of 59 yrs. Old leaving behind wife, 4 kids and 8 grands. For 8 or more yrs. He had gout on his knees, taking medicine. Februay, March, april 2013 he's been in and out from the hospital for his pain which started on his knees both, his back then finally he can't even move. april 2013 his wife decided to take him to private doctor. Dr. ala lou did some test and found out he need to be referred to off island specialist coz it shows on his test too many white cells. He was the send to the phillipines where the doctors told him he has cancer and his left kidney has to be remove immediately that's why he cannot walk bcoz his kidney fail.. After his left kidney had been removed doctor came back and told him he had cancer and it spread all inside him and the cancer is in his liver and lungs and the doctors cannot do anything. The doctor gave him only a week or less to live he is in stage four... The family including my dad 81 and my mom 79 yrs old in disbelieve that my brother will leave them so soon. His heart became weaker and weaker. All the families skype with him just before he close his eyes trying to gasp his breath to talk...tear! I will never forget my brother he is our oldest in the family. He left us all on the third day instead of a week. I was mad with the doctors at our hospital for not finding it earlier but I thank God that my brother did not suffer too long. We prayed N prayed to lord jesus that if there is cure for our brother, son, father, husband, friend ro please help him, help us and heal and cure this deadly disease that our brother battling with. He is in so much pain that not a day goea by and the pain will stop, . Please God., but if there is no hope or cure for him rather than for him suffering we all accept your decision if you are to take him. Amen..Amen.
I will never forget my brother. He will always be in our hearts, thoughts and prayers..
For those families that lost their love ones to this sickness i know how you felt and what you are all going through but be strong because we all do not know where this kind of sore cancer came from and all our departed love ones are in tranquil and peaceful place. SAD very sad that its tearing our hearts but we will all meet someday again with our departed love ones. God bless you all to those that lost their love ones with this kind of sickness and BE STRONG.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know what it is like to watch them suffer with Cancer.I lost a Sister last April of Lung Cancer.I love and Miss Her Dearly........

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with an agressive form of breast cancer in November of 2012.I will be undergoing treatment till Jan
2015. One of my sisters had breast cancer 3 years ago & now has bone cancer because her Dr's didn't treat her right.My youngest brother died frim Melanoma 7 years ago.I have several uncles who have died frim cancer.I am determied that this will not be my fate.

Anonymous said...

I meant undergoing treatment till Jan.2014.

Anonymous said...

Please get rid of this disease. It affects too many good people who dont deserve it. God bless all who r affected by this horrible disease.!

Anonymous said...

I've lost so many family members to cancer but the hardest thing was to watch my husband die from Leukemia. It's a silent killer and very devastating. God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

I lost my dad last year on july 16th due to cancer it took over him and finally took him away from us. he fought fought till the last breath. but couldn make it.

Anonymous said...

i lost my wife 12-21-12 due to cancer only had it 3 weeks it is bad there should be a cure something is wrong they can cure so much today

Anonymous said...

I pray that all will be able to find peace in knowing that other care and pray that the secret of life mystery will one day aide in those who are affected by infirmity that we can not control,May God Bless everyone as he walks with everyone today.
Please keep my mother in your prayers she is 90yrs old and was diagnosed with leukemia last year. She is in treatment and she is trusting in Christ Jesus.

Anonymous said...

they will never find a cure, they found my dads bowel cancer on 20th may and cant do anything 4 him so now he only has weeks, if they had done there tests properly they would have found it sooner. they say they will find a cure but wont so u r just wasting ur money, its all a load of b......!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lost Mom, Aunt and Uncle to cancer. Now I have it. Had a mammo last Aug, Told the results were QUESTIONABLE. Had mammo redone, along with an ultrasound, two weeks later. Was told it came out with NO SIGNS of cancer. Here it is, nine months later. I found a lump in my breast a month ago. Had a lumpectomy last week, which came out POSITIVE for cancer. WTH! I am furious, as I feel an error was made reading the second mammo, and now someone else's incompetence may cost me my life.

Anonymous said...

My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer last october. She was given a 5% chance of surviving & 6 months at the most. She got her final blood work done 2 months ago and she is cancer free. Watching her suffer thru the treatments was the hardest thing i ever had to do. This is a horrible disease. I pray for everyone still battling this terrible disease & for the families that have lost a loved one

Anonymous said...

they will never find a cure!

Anonymous said...

Due for check up tomorrow had lumpectomy chemo radio therapy too fucking scared to go I hate cancer

Anonymous said...

I lost my 19 year old son to cancer in 2004, my mom to cancer in 2008 and my husband to cancer in 2011. I am completely devastated. My life as it was, no longer exists. This disease pulls the life right from you. All I have now are their memories. My life will never be the same without my family.
Something has to be done to stop this awful disease now.
R.I.P. my loved ones. I miss you terribly and love you so much. One day I will see you all again.

Anonymous said...

I loss my husband on 07/07/12 from liver cancer and is was brutal, I saw my husband suffer, it make u so sick of watching they go in such a horrible condition it hurt so bad, the I loss my uncle on 8/2/12 from cancer too both in my house I took care of both. it was so heart breaking see them leave for ever I don't know why they still having donations so many year. of dollars millions and no cure. what are they really doing with all donation. my husband didn't even had a chance to go to American cancer center been 2 stage the dr, send you home to die..............

Anonymous said...

I so agree. Lost family and friends from this aweful disease. Also have family that have survived thank God. Need a CURE!

Unknown said...

My elder sister has a stage 3, with 1 lymph node metastasis. She is also a patient of triple negative disease breast cancer, which is one of the aggressive kinds.Treatment going on in Tata Memorial Hospital/Kolkata. But the disease pulling her will-power to live day by day. May God bless with all will power to fight against this odd. Hope she will be normal in due course of time. Really greatful to all those friends and relatives who are giving their strong mental & physical support to get rid of this horrible situation.

Anonymous said...

I lost my mom to cancer and I wish there was a cure for her I miss her so much . She was a very good wonman and strong too we lost her may of this year

Anonymous said...

my cousin annie died of leukemia I remember her so much she died at 15

Unknown said...

Lost my Mom to Leukaemia in 1970, my Dad 23 yrs later also to Leukaemia and an Aunt 4 yrs ago also to cancer. Hope a cure could 1 day be found!

Anonymous said...

I lost my husband to lung and brain cancer on 6\10\13 . I still come home and look for him then it hits me he is no here i would love for one more day with him

Anonymous said...

I lost my dad and his sister both to cancer I miss them both so much my dad was my best friend he fought hard for a tear then it took him my aunt went in six weeks I hate cancer it is awful to watch live ones fight a losing battle

Anonymous said...

I understand about Cancer. My husband died of Lung Cancer in April of 2012. Took care of him for 7 years. He took treatments. It was so hard to see him die a little bit everyday until he was gone. I guess if there was a good part about it was that we spent all our time together everyday we did and we places we he was not sick and able to travel. So I have alot of memories of special things that we did. So I pray everyday that they find a cure. Because I see so many people suffering with the disease. My Mother also died of Cancer in 2009. I also was her care giver. When my husband was in treatment I helped at the Cancer center doing for other patients as well. God bless all families that has to go through this.

Unknown said...

I lost my only brother to esophageal cancer 7/10/13. Just a little over a week ago. He battled it for 17 months, but it spread everywhere. It is so hard watching someone you love suffer so much from this horrible disease. I pray one day a cure will be found. God bless you all that have been affected by this terrible disease called cancer.

Anonymous said...

I am a survivor. Fight it....you will succeed just as I did

Anonymous said...

Have faith in the good Lord up above. I've helped take care of ppl with cancer its hard to watch them suffer and their families doing everything that they can to help. Don't give up fight all you can and don't lose your faith. May God bless the individuals, family, friends, and healthcare workers who have been affected with cancer in anyway.

Anonymous said...

Where can people find this extract would it be found in a health food store.

Anonymous said...

I lost my Dad, 2 brothers and my brother in law who all died from cancer in the last 15years ......

Laura Waters said...

I lost both my parents to cancer,my dad first and it totally consumed him. That was one of the hardest things i ever had to endure watching my dad waste away to nothing as the cancer ate him up.That was 19 years ago. In June of this year my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. Her Dr gave her 6 months to a year to live but on April 1st 2013 my mom passed away,it was a huge blow to my entire family. I felt lost and alone even though I had my brothers and sisters. I still feel alone and lost and I still cry for my mom and my heart aches for her every day but I am very grateful she and my dad have no more pain and they suffer no more. I take comfort in knowing that they are together again,and happy.They are with God now and he will keep them at peace. Cancer is ugly it's a very very ugly disease and I pray to God that one day there will be a cure and no other families or friends have to suffer the pain and loss of their loved ones.

Anonymous said...

Keep running for brain-damaging cancer meds like AVASTIN, peeps! Keep shaving cos it do the cancer patients good! Keep hoping for a drug cure, peeps! Well done!

Anonymous said...

we just lost our young priest to cancer...let us pray a cure will be found soon..

Anonymous said...

There are cures for cancer, they are alternative and you won't find them in a Drs. Office or in a hospital.

Anonymous said...

I pray that your treatment choice brings you complete healing. My husband (45 yrs old) was diagnosed with Stage IV rectal cancer with liver mets in April 2013. After much research and praying, God led us to Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Philadelphia. My husband just finished his 2nd round of chemotherapy today (which he has tolerated really well with little to no side effects) and today his PET/CT scan showed no evidence of disease from the previous tumor and liver lesions. We are blessed with amazing doctors at CTCA who are aggressive in their treatment to cure my husband. He still has 2 more rounds of chemo, but today was a blessing from God. By the way, we also believe in the effectiveness of alternative naturopathic options.....we adhere to a vegan diet, limit our sugar intake and alcohol, eat only organic produce, added Curcumin, L-Glutamine, Vitamins B, C and D to his daily supplements, and believe strongly in the power of prayer and God's healing hand. Please check out Dr. Ralph Moss' research on Colorectal Cancer. We had a phone consultation with him, and found the information to be very helpful. (www.cancerdecisions.com). Dear Heavenly Father, please bring comfort and peace to this gentleman, and I ask that you guide him to the best treatment for complete healing. Amen.

Anonymous said...

I lost an aunt in year 2011, my uncle (her husband) & a brother this year.. Many of us are affected by cancer in one way or another. I know that we sometimes feel helpless because we cannot do anything to help our loved ones heal, this should never make us lose hope.. There is hope in God almighty. Let us pray, speak to God day & night so He gives us that strength to keep on loving & caring for them..so that if they happen to pass on, they'll go with merry hearts. Have faith!

Anonymous said...

I Lost my daughter to cancer seven weeks ago ,she was 35yrs old , I was told on Christmas eve that it was,nt looking good for her ,My husband ,her brother, two sisters ,her son and I spent Christmas together ,I,ll never forget how hard it was to hide it from her ,just so she could have nice Christmas ,the last 10hrs of her life she told each and everyone of us what she wanted to say ,Imiss her so much ,but she has left me the proudest mother ever ,she fought till the end , she was so so brave .six months and she was gone .

Anonymous said...

I understand that Have strength

andy281069 said...

I lost my Mother in april of this year to brain cancer. she was diagnosed in august last year with lung cancer and had half her left lung removed which was a success. However, the lymphnodes leaked some "bad seeds" that went to her brain. On january 17th she was told she had about 12 months left, on january 21st it was months left, on 25th january she was told it was imminent. She sadly but peacefully passed away on april 4th whilst i held her hand. I will never forget that fateful day and it haunts me to this day. My mother was a strong person and fought til the very end. I took her on a day out that she wanted, just her and me. i have the photos of that day to keep me comfort. This world can conquer everything except the ONE EVILNESS called Cancer. One day WE WILL FIND A WAY and WE WILL BEAT the evil. My thoughts, prayers and love go out to all affected by cancer, those that have lost, fought and survived the the fight against cancer. My love to you all xxx

andy281069 said...

i lost my mother on april 4th this year very quickly to cancer, she was aged just 63. i feel and share your pain. my father died in 1979, my mother had 5 miscarriages after me. i have no brothers or sisters. i am the last of my family at 43 years of age. i miss my mother so much and cry each and every day for her. i want her words of wisdom to keep me in check. i know my mum and dad are together now in a pain free paradise watching down on me just like your mum and dad are too. sometimes i feel alone but then i think..."i have my dad on one shoulder and my mum on the other". each pushing me in the right direction. i still talk to their photos and laugh with them about old times and memories and i take a lot of comfort in that. i just wish they could both be here to see how happy i am with the person i love and am happy with. i know they would both approve. my mum got me and my partner together in december of last year. my partner was with me when mum went and i swear, my mum opened her eyes and looked at us both and smiled before she passed away as if she approved and was happy that her work was done. my thoughts and prayers are with you Laura xxx

Ann said...

The heartache of cancer is unspeakable. My beautiful daughter-in-law, my children's father, and my father were all diagnosed within months of each. They all died in one year and one day. One of my sons during that time had melanoma but he is in remission now. My daughter-in-law left two young sons and her husband, my other son, and THEN HE was diagnosed with brain cancer. through prayer, I think, he too is at least for now, in remission. The fear for my sons surrounds us every single day, and the grief and loss just does not diminish. I will pray for all of you who are touched by this monster.

Ann said...

Stories of the heartache, and hope would be appreciated.

Unknown said...

Allison Mummabear I am i survivor of throat cancer and it is the most deadly thing ever i was diagnosed with 4 stage cancer and i had to do a crash 7 week course of radiation and 3 doses of chemotherapy i was so sick i could hardly move my throat was so sore and raw from radiation and my tumor was behind my ear my actual cancer was in the base of my tongue yes i was silly and smoked so yes i got dealt with the bad card and paid the consequences i was so scared and horrified to be told that my chances of survival was 40% i had 7 children and 7 grandchildren i was devastated how was i going to beat this. Without my mum who stayed with me for 7 weeks at the Mater hospital in Newcastle i wouldn't have coped i was fought so hard as everyday i saw mum cry and been so upset it hurt me so i put everything into getting better she prayed every night and days i could hardly move because i vomiting and felt so tired i still got up it was the hardest thing every but i today look back and see how far i have come and realizing my life was knocking on heavens door i am so glad now i gave up smoking and had my children and grandchildren and mum an dad and family to help me through it not only after all that fight a mth later i had a massive bleed from my mouth which the say was from radiation i was pronounced dead for 15 mins after been revived i heard the doctor say just make her comfortable she is not going to make it god i felt so sick and could just barely breathe and my children and family were crying i thought no not again and i prayed with wat strength i had left and said god please let me just live i don't want to see my family in this pain and i got rushed to the john hunter hospital were i had to operations and put on life support system for 4 day and then again second operation to put a coil in to stop the bleeding again and i hemorrhaged again so i am so lucky to survive it was the most horrific thing ever so those that read this SMOKING CAN REALLY CAUSE CANCER DON'T PLAY WITH CANCER BECAUSE YOU MAY NOT BE LUCKY TO WIN THE BATTLE I AM JUST LUCKY TO GO THROUGH AND SURVIVE THREE TIMES.always have check ups because my started just by a ear ache and a small lump that turned into a tumor. I AM SO LUCKY THANKU GOD so yes please share this post and make ppl aware it just doesnt happen to smokers it happens to anyone. Thanku for taking the time to read it i am so glad i am alive to tell this story. God bless cheers allison xxx

Anonymous said...

I lost my son to cancer - he too was only 35 years old. My son had 18 months. He left us 2 beautiful granddaughters. The hardest thing for me was to tell him that it was ok to go. It was breaking my heart to see him suffer. He was very brave as well saying that he was not dying of cancer he was living with it even though we knew from the start that he was stage 4.

brandy said...

I was diagnosed stage two breast cancer August 13,2012. No family history, no illness, no signs, no warnings. 50 years young with a married daughter, a son about to get married and four more children. God gave me the Bible verse" yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death". I shouted "thanks a lot God" and He made me repeat it. Yea though I walk THROUGH the valley.... I wasn't going to stay!!! My God promised. 2 surgeries 4 chemo hair loss( looked like my dad) 25 radiations. I know my God removed the cancer after first surgery. I continued as normal and no one knew I had cancer. I don't want to say sick because God strengthened me. Now, 11 months later my husband has been diagnosed with cancer and he told me he will not fight it. I can not fight for him. He is, as we all are, in God's hands. My God gave me strength and I will praise Him forever.

brandy said...

I was diagnosed stage two breast cancer August 13,2012. No family history, no illness, no signs, no warnings. 50 years young with a married daughter, a son about to get married and four more children. God gave me the Bible verse" yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death". I shouted "thanks a lot God" and He made me repeat it. Yea though I walk THROUGH the valley.... I wasn't going to stay!!! My God promised. 2 surgeries 4 chemo hair loss( looked like my dad) 25 radiations. I know my God removed the cancer after first surgery. I continued as normal and no one knew I had cancer. I don't want to say sick because God strengthened me. Now, 11 months later my husband has been diagnosed with cancer and he told me he will not fight it. I can not fight for him. He is, as we all are, in God's hands. My God gave me strength and I will praise Him forever.

Anonymous said...

i lost two much loved sisters to lung cancer, they wer both given only months to life by the time they wer diagnosed with ths horrible disease, tho they have passed ova an gone to the world of spirits ther chidren, mokos an greats love an miss them greatly,yes tautoko ths kaupapa

Anonymous said...

I lost my husband at the age of 24 to cancer and left to raise a 2 year old daughter on my own. It's a terrible feeling to watch someone you love, suffer knowing there is nothing you can do to change it.

Anonymous said...

Prayers to all the survivors and those in heaven, only those of us that has had to deal with this horrible C word only know what a toll it can take on all those effected either as the carrier or as a family, friend or loved one! God bless all and to those that are going thru active treatment at this time. I am a 3 x survivor and know that he never gives me more than I can handle!!

Anonymous said...

My brother passed away to cancer, and within a year of that, I was diagnosed with stage 4. I had insurance, but only a 30% chance with my treatment. The chemo drug which would double my chance at survival was not covered by my insurance and cost over $40,000. We could not afford it. I did not take it. I would not go into debt for a drug which would not even put my chances at 75%. Instead, we went with the first chemo and prayer. I will be in remission for two years this September. I do not know why or God's plan. Yet, I was actually angry when the doctors told me my cancer was gone. I was not prepared for that. I was prepared to die. I had no energy, yet a sense of calm took over. Today, my happiness is genuine and my heart is open to all of you who have battled this horrid war from either side. To watch my healthy brother lose 100 pounds, crying that he did not want to die..to please never forget him...and to have him slip away. Then, to fight my own fight. But, you see, there was a beauty in it all. These courageous nurses and doctors. The people who form prayer chains (which I could actually "feel" in the core of my being). The young children with steadfast hopes and dreams. The realization of what matters and what does not. The understanding that, even if this world brings us messy difficult times, there is no place I'd rather be until God calls me home. All this together bonds me with you. So, if you suffer the wrath of cancer, do not fall victim to it. Watch the sun rise, surround yourself with upbeat people, pray to your own source of faith, read light books, watch funny shows, listen to light music. If someone you know suffers, wrap 30 tiny gifts (bookmarks you make, etc) one for each day - with a saying or anything...so that that person will have something to look forward to, tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

My wife lost her father to angio sarcoma 5+ years ago. At the last he could not eat we came to the house with reserved sacrament and as un responsive to everything including food he knew what the sacrament was and it was the last nourishment he consumed.

Anonymous said...

I lost my husband thru cancer, & last year, i lost a grandson.RIP

Anonymous said...

I lost my husband to cancer December 2012, my brother in 2010 and his daughter, my neice in 2009 It is a terrible disease. I watched my husband suffer for 3 years with all the treatment he was having. He fought to live but it was not to be. The cancer won

Anonymous said...

My husband is battling also, the cancer he has is called multiple myeloma, since 2001. In 2010 he went into Rena failure. Once cancer hits the body the person have fight infection. Antibiotics solves one of whatever is ail. Then its kills the good bacteria. My husband had an infection called C'Diff's, I'm at different Drs with him almost everyday. He's lost so much of his body weight, haven't found a med that has make long progress. But keep hoping though.

Anonymous said...

I lost my husband of 47 years to esophageal cancer (stage 4) in October of 2008. We found out in July of 2008 and by Oct. he was gone. It took his life and part of mine. Please find a cure for this terrible disease.

Anonymous said...

I had BC cancer and survived.8yrs.
I lost my husband August 18, 2012 to Throat Cancer. Baby RIP.

David Mcilwaine said...

i lost my beautiful daughter Kerry to cancer in March she fought it for 4 years she was the most amazing and braves-ed person i know had so much to live for she had two boys and now they have lost there mum gone but never forgotten we can only pray that one day they will find a cure

Anonymous said...

In my family 5 out of 6 of us have had or passed away. Dad at 66 died of colon, mom bladder cancer she is 86 now, my sister died at 48 from ovarian cancer. I'm 59 and with GOD watching over me I am a breast cancer survivor in my 17th year and lastly one of my brothers I say from Asian Orange but he had reoccurring cancer. My oldest brother is an slcoholic and just fine. Go figure. My sister was 48.

wanda clark said...


Anonymous said...

I just lost my husband of 12 yrs. to Melanoma on July 10, 2013. I pray for a cure for this terrible diease. I watched him fight for 2 yrs. I love you always. You are the first person I think of when I wake up and the last before I go to sleep. You are the love of my life and always will be.

abbellalove said...

I lost my 13-year-old daugher Tabitha to cancer in 1994 and still miss her. Also, in 2009 I lost my dear sister Faith. Now Dad has been attacked by cancer and he keeps on living but in pain. He was supposed to pass away last year, but I guess that baking soda honey is keeping him alive.

Anonymous said...

I lost my grandmother to liver cancer on 10-31-12 after a year and two months and 5 days of battling it. I support everyone fighting cancer they are strong,beautiful,handsome people who didn't ask to be sick but they are. they need all the and support they can get.

Anonymous said...

You all know, don't you that somewhere a pharmaceutical company has the cure to cancer. But if they revealed it, they would stand to lose a lot of money because there wouldn't be a lot of sick people. I have Bowens Disease whereby I continue to get squamous cell carcinomas.I have had about 12 surgeries since '07.They began on my scalp and moved to my face and my legs.I have skin grafts on my scalp so I have to wear a scarf because I have no hair. Yet, there is no "Walk for Skin cancer" that I know of.I feel so ugly.Since they only perform MOH's surgery above the chest, I have indentations on my legs where they perform wide excisions. I've lost a dad to leukemia, a brother to Hodgkins Disease and friends, one to bone CA and another to brain CA.Its a horrible disease for sure. I really miss my dad and my brother.

Anonymous said...

I just lost my grand daughter that I was raising as my own. She was only 5 and she passed away suddendly from brain cancer. Im doing a fund raiser and 100 % will be given to the cancer society. Only a week left and we are at 105,000 already. please check it out und Sarah Parries. Im determined to find a way to conqure this nasty disease.

Anonymous said...

My son in law died almost 3 weeks ago to melanoma. it is a dreadful disease, God please find a cure for cancer... He was only 27 years old

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, my daughter just lost her husband, he had it for only 1 year 8 days... I feel for them and I feel for the loved ones left behind, just so unfair for all. I also pray for a cure and wish no one else has to go through this pain.

Unknown said...

With high survivor rate, we,in Thailand,are fighting cancer with www.healthychoice.in.th

Anonymous said...

this county is ruthless they don't care if your dying its all about they money,a doctor wouldn't see my son he suffered in hard pain for weeks and he wouldn't see him because he had no insurance my son passed away I can believe it about the chemotherapy, if you don't have insurance your left for dead

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I lost my father 1-12-11 after 1 year 11 months and 5 days of fighting this nasty illness, LUNG CANCER . I remember his last breathe like it was yesterday. I whole heartedly pray for all who are in the fight and for their loved ones who march along side of them.

Anonymous said...

Cancer is not just a dirty word, it is the ultimate insult to our Medical Field. Shame on you.Cancer has been around for over 50 years. All the money we have shared with researcher's has been utilized in some cases very foolishly We want our payback, and the time to step on the greedy doctors and pharmaceutical companies toes needs to continue with a vengeance.
We have finally put some pressure on that AMA who have initially admitted to curing early detection breast Cancer, and prostrate Cancer saving many lives, but that is now. Keep up the pressure, there is a cure, make them stop doling it out, but give us the whole cure. Our babies want to live.

Anonymous said...

I lost a very dear friend to cancer in may! From the time she was told she had cancer til she was gone wasn't 5 weeks! What's the point of radiation and surgeries ya die anyway in most cases!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please share the baking soda how to use maam. Thanks

Anonymous said...

My niecebwas recentky diagnosed with multiple myeloma. She is going to have stem cells trsnsplant using hervown stem cells. Has your husbands doctors mentioned this procedure to you yet? It is fairly new and came about in the last 5 yrs

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is faith cancer came in my life time it hard on my family I will fight for my life never give up God is good. I have 5 kids my is 11ys he cry I told him pray for ur mummy stage 4 I have pain not eating much please never give up one love

Mary said...

I lost my dad to lung cancer 10 years ago and 2 uncles and an aunt since then. It is so hard to watch strong wonderful people wither away... a cure needs to be found so others don't have to go through dying from such a horrible disease and their families don't have to go through the loss and grief.

Anonymous said...

I have lost so many to this horrific disease the most recent was my husband of 42 Years and my brother in law of 39 years. Miss them all especially my husband. My husband fought for a year starting with lung cancer then to brain.
May they all RIP

Anonymous said...

I lost my husband Jim D. Sullivan to brain cancer. ..he had surgery they found a tumor. ..he had radiation. ..n then chemo. ...it was so sad to see him sick nd weak he wad vety ill fot s yeat...nd then he had a stroke that paralyze lefy side of his body. ....no dr could save him...the dr said he had 4 to 6 mos. to live but it didnt happpend he died 10 days after that.....
This happen in march 16. 2010....I m sad nd devastated since everything happened untiil now I have not recuperated for my loss of my Jim

Maria said...

I m Maria Sullivan I wrote the story about my husband Jim D. Sullivan. ....now my stepdaughter Peggy Sullivan has stage 3 breast cancer nd started her treatment last week ..this s very sad. We do not know what the future will be for Peggy...

Maria Sullivan said...

My. Name is Maria nd I wrote the story above anout my husbsnd Jim D Sullivan. .now my stepdaughter Peggy Sullivan is facming stage 3 cancer...started chemo last week she s facingmore surgery n the next months to come....right now we dnt know.what Peggy future will be....please pray for my stepdaughter Peggy.

Anonymous said...

Like you I went thru the same. ....I lost my. Husband Jim to Brain cancer. ..I can't recuperate I cry all the time. ...very sad.....he was my life.....feel lost without him....

Anonymous said...

I am a breast cancer survivor. I am one of the lucky ones as I was diagnosed early, but I met a lot of people who were not as fortunate as me. One day we will beat cancer let us all hope and pray that it will be soon.

Anonymous said...

I lost my dad 2 years ago after ,8 frightening weeks of pancreatic cancer. We , as a family , still have not recovered from his loss

Anonymous said...

I too had stage 4 Colon Cancer which has spread to Liver.. Went thru surjury to remove one fourth of my Colon, took 16 lympnodes, no sign of Cancer in any, but I had spots on Liver!!! Went thru 2 years of Chemo, some of which I was alergic to, doc was basically just monitoring me cuz my Chemo drugs were at an end, So I asked him to Refer me to MUSC in Charleston, SC... Nicest most Compassionate bunch of people I've ever been to!!! I have a team of 5 Doctors and am going thru the Y90 procedure, you can look it up on internet!! I just had the second half of my Liver done the 16th of this Month...I feel Sooo much better being off the Chemo!! My hair is growing, nails too, and I have better appetite and more energy.. Have to go see doctors next month, but this is not an overnight thing, so it will probably be another month before they do Scan... This nightmare for me began Feb 18,2011 and I was given 12 to 16 months, but my Husband didn't tell me.. He didn't receive it as being true!! Gods word says to take Heed to what you hear, because as you receive it, so it is!! Thank God for my Faith filled, word of God Believing Husband, He stayed In Hospital with me for 13 days, wouldn't let anyone speak doubt or unbelief around me, and stood on Gods Healing Scriptures, when I was too sick to do it for myself!! Feb was 2 years and I'm still here, living Life, Thanking God for everyday and his Word!!! I plan on being here for a long time because By His Stripes I'm Healed!!! I will Live and declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!! If you can get your hands on a Booklet called Healed of Cancer, by Dodie Olstien, it will Bless you, cuz she was diagnosed with Liver Cancer and given weeks to live, with or without Chemo. She decided against Chemo, went home, got her Bible and dug out every Healing Scripture, and stood on them!!! She is still alive, Cancer Free, and this was back in the 80's!!! Gods word says he is no respecter of persons, so what he did for her, he will do for us, of we Believe and have Faith in His Word!!!! God Bless You!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Yes i know they have had the cure for cancer since the 80's. It's a shame.Just think what a business treatment cost. CHEMO, RADIATION, AND MEDICINES . It is a rip-off, but what can you do ? Absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

I know too well about this disease and the toll it takes on the ones fighting it and the ones that assist the ones fighting cancer. I lost my father to cancer. It took him after 5 months after surgery. Hechose to not have treatments. Now, my husband is fighting this disease. He was diagnosed in october. They are trying him on a new medicine now. I also have a close friend that is battling this disease also. I pray everyday for all those in the fight

Anonymous said...

I know about cancer I just lost my lover my friend to cancer and it hurts so bad

Anonymous said...

I lost my husband to throat cancer on 06/21/13. I still can't believe he is gone...I will love and miss him all the days of my life.

Betty Williams said...

I lost my mother to lung cancer on April 23, 1999. It is still hard for me to believe that she is gone...I will miss her as long as I live.

Anonymous said...

I started breast cancer in October 2012. Had stage 2 in right side. Left side stage 1. I had surgery done October 31. Went through chemotherapy treatment. When I got done with that. Had a pet scan done in April. I was clean for 4 months. In August 15 2013 the cancer came back. I went back for surgery 2 weeks ago. Now I start chemotherapy treatment again in 2 weeks. And radiation. The cancer I have is aggressive. I will be on a chemo pill the rest of my life.just so the cancer don't come back.

Anonymous said...

All you can do is live for the loved and lost and cherish their memory.

Anonymous said...

i lost my mom last june 6, 2013 due to gastric cancer..i missed and love her so much..

Tina Windolf said...

I Tina windolf. Lost my Husband an Vestries john windolf. JAN 13 13 TO THS. IS.EVER A STOP TO THIS WHEN....

Anonymous said...

Have you contacted St. Jude Children's Research Hospital? If not, please do. It's a fantastic place... 80% of the children coming to St. Jude are going home cancer free. Your family would never receive a bill and food and lodging are taken care of, too.

Heather dron and family said...

I lost my dad in August 2007 to lung and bone cancer it was so hard to watch him fade away from us all little by little every day and not being able to help him all of his family miss him and will never forget you dad love from all of us

Sylvia Rodriguez said...

My 82 year old Papi was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer on April 22, 2013. He received radiation and one chemotherapy treatment. Doctor recommended he be placed under hospice care. This gave us an opportunity to spend quality time during his final stage. Papi passed in his sleep on June 30,2013. After his private cremation service, we celebrated his life by having a luncheon where everyone got to take a framed picture of Papi along with his favorite prayer. We continued the celebration sharing words of wisdom we remembered Papi by. In addition, we got to view the family albums. The whole day was dedicated to Papi. I know he is in a better place. I remember him daily. I thank God for allowing him to be in my life for 55 years.

Anonymous said...

I lost my mother to colon cancer in January of this year. Cancer is definitely a beast to the human body. Just to watch my mother suffer and slip away toward death is really surreal to me. The first that I have ever experienced in my 40 years of life. I' ve had other family members to pass away but mother is "the straw that broke the camel's back".

Anonymous said...

I lost my mother to cancer. A year after she died I was diagnosed with breast cancer. this was twenty years ago. I have friends now who are going through the same. Please pray for them. It's a question you ask is why was I spared and the mothers with small children have not a chance. I try to help them because, I guess, I sometimes feel guilty for living. Many people tell me God was not through with me. I do Praise God for life!!!!!

Teresa Winkler said...

My sister was diagnosed with colon cancer October 2012. She underwent chemo and radiation immediately. Surgery was done early February. She became septic from the surgery and spent 3 months in the hospital where she died and was brought back 3 different times. She is fighting every step of the way and won't let this stop her. We had a cousin pass from breast cancer 10 years and our grandmother had a mastectomy done 8 years ago. She recovered, but, died of old age 3 years ago at the wonderful age of 92. Pray, pray, pray.... that is the BEST medicine. I have a beautiful prayer if anyone would like to use it, given to me by a very wonderful, compassionate priest.

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear the prayer. I have lost many loved ones to cancer and have had ovarian and thyroid cancer. I plan on beating it! I will survive!

Anonymous said...

I know the Heartaches that Cancer brings to mostly everyone. All start a Prayer Chain TO ALL OF US. Amen

Anonymous said...

The Big C The Ancient Enemy The Killer Of Children, Stole Nanna From Me In Aug Of 04 When I Turned 50 The Va Sent Me For A Colonoscopy Iwas Shocked At The Results It Was Close But We Caught And We Killed It. Ill Keep My Follow Up Appt One Night Of Prepping Aint Asking Much Just Consider The Alternative.

mary lizana said...

I just lost a dear friend this morning steve sekul, R:I:P. My dear friend

Anonymous said...

My mother is a 75 yrs old and is a two time Breast Cancer survivor,love you mom!!!

Anonymous said...

I have survived cancer two times, in 2003 I had stage 2 colon cancer, confined to my colon, removed part of my colon and no treatments were needed. I recently survived uterine cancer, I had a total hysterectomy and in all that was removed there was only 2 percent cancer and it was stage 1, again no treatments, I thank God for giving me the signs to know there was something wrong and the ability to catch it early. Early discovery of cancer is the best cure. God Bless those who have lost the battle, are now fighting the battle, as well as those as fortunate as myself who have survived, as well as the families and friends who have been affected.

Anonymous said...

I am fighting Thyroid Cancer which I was diagnosed in November of 2012. Unfortunately mine spread. So now I have to have Chemo. Yesterday I had a biopsy on my left breast they found two spots. I'm a fighter so I will keep fighting.

MGB said...

Think Pink Till The Big C, The Ancient Enemy,The Killer Of Childeren And Loved Ones Is Taken Or Destroyed.

Anonymous said...

So many have fought the brave battle and either they'll win or lose. My former wife battled and won...but shut off the world around her.

Tomorrow morning I have a friend who will begin his battle by having surgery for lung cancer.

Last week I discovered that another received her clean bill of health following her battle with breast cancer.

We all have or know someone who is or has battled this sometimes deadly disease.

We sll have story's we can share. One thing we all have in common, is that cancer will leave a profound footprint on your life.

We are all hero's, real life warriors for dealing with this disease.

Cancer is a scary word...become more aware today!

kathy stroud said...

I lost my mama and my daddy to cancer aint a day goes by I dont think of them...daily I was there every treatment I watched as two of the strongest people I knew lost there battle to this horrible disease ...I pray for a cure ....

Anonymous said...

I lost my wife and mom to lung cancer! The worst thing about it is neither one of them smoked.

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving week of 2010 I lost both of my parents to cancer. My dad passed away on the 21st of november. Later that day I took my mom to have a blood transfusion, because that was all that was sustaining her at the time. The next day after I got done planning my dads funeral i had to go tell my mom that her blood counts were at the point that the transfusions weren't working anymore. That she had about 3 days left to live. She passed on Thanksgiving. My parents had been divorced since i was 13 but always did stuff together. They loved each other just couldn't be married. So it was ironic that they passed so close to each other. It has been three years and it still hurts as bad today as it did then but life goes on. I love and miss my parents very much.

Unknown said...

God Bless You All

Anonymous said...

I lost my husband in 2005, my friend in 2014, and my mom in 2013 to the ravages of cancer and my heart is forever broken. Tell the ones you love how much you love them today because for some tomorrow may not come. May God bless those who have already lost loved ones and watch over those who are fighting for their lives. Cassie Bellamy

Anonymous said...

My only sister, who was a year older than me was diagnosed with uterine cancer in 2011. She went through the chemo treatment and went into remission, bu then the following year it came back to her liver. She didn't survive the second round of chemo and died on March 3, 2013. My mom was already going though chemo for ovarian cancer. It also went into remission, but then it returned in 2016, shortly after my dad died of congestive heart failure. She didn't want to go through the chemo again, so she was put in home hospice care. She died on November 20, 2018. I was at her side until the very end. She went peacefully. I'm the only one left now. I had a brother, almost 4 years younger than me. He was shot to death on February 23, 1993. I still have my sister's husband and 2 grown kids, though. They've helped me tremendously. They've been a real blessing.

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