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Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Bad Things Will Always Happen...
Bad thing will always happen in life and people will hurt you, however you must never use that as an excuse to hurt someone back.
You don't do evil for evil sometimes people may get the wrong impresion on certain things maybe they want someone to wake up and open their eyes and except things not to hurt someone maybe someone else may feel hurt
well if someone hurts u its cause they dnt care or shouls d say the hurt u over and over the whole 5 years was a lie pretty much says they dnt care and they to need a lesson in hurt
I lost my husband of 28 years to A rare form of lung Cancer in 2011 He was diagnosed in Dec of 2010 Lost the battle I month onJan 2011 I also lost my Mothe from colon Cancer in Sep2011 the Big C has changed my life as well ad many others
You don't do evil for evil sometimes people may get the wrong impresion on certain things maybe they want someone to wake up and open their eyes and except things not to hurt someone maybe someone else may feel hurt
well if someone hurts u its cause they dnt care or shouls d say the hurt u over and over the whole 5 years was a lie pretty much says they dnt care and they to need a lesson in hurt
People should try to learn to have a relationship with each other such that do not create problems to anybody.
Sorry for my DoubleFlood. But please, Dave, contact with me by facebook or skype. I don't have a google+ account.
That's true.
When Operators of the world are SID... karma not so usable.
Is this some of your friends on this mug shot pictures on the side
So true.
I lost my husband of 28 years to A rare form of lung Cancer in 2011 He was diagnosed in Dec of 2010 Lost the battle I month onJan 2011 I also lost my Mothe from colon Cancer in Sep2011 the Big C has changed my life as well ad many others
Please God Help them Find a Cure.
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