Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Promise To My Children

For as long as I live I will always be your parent first and
your friend second. I will stalk you, flip out on you, lecture you,
drive you insane, be your worst nightmare and hunt you down like
a bloodhound when I have to, because I love you. When you
understand that, I will know you have become a responsible adult.
You will never find anyone else in your life who loves, prays,
cares and worries about you more than I do. If you don't
mutter under your breath "I hate you" at least once in your life,
I am not doing my job properly.

SHARE if you are a parent and you agree.


Anonymous said...

I love this I wish I could post it on fb page

Anonymous said...

i want to post it too!!! how come we cant?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's love....

Anonymous said...

This is so true!!:)

Anonymous said...

You can share on FB. Just click on the little "f" icon under the quote.

Anonymous said...

Some of "Dave's words" are wise indeed, some are just plain slushy. What troubles me though, is that few of them are credited. Whether it is you, Dave, or someone else, I think it only right that we are told the source of each one.

Anonymous said...

Love U all,

Anonymous said...

you can just click on the f above next to the 8:00 AM in orange then the M B t f then the g+1. It will get more vivid as you put your curser on the f as you do that it will say share to Facebook then click. I just posted it to my wall. I'm not that greatest with details but just look just above this reply and below the saying...good luck and Happy V-day.

Anonymous said...

Newsflash: this is not a defintion of good parenthood, and it is not a defintion of love. This is a defintion of stalking, and you can go to jail for that.

Anonymous said...

NewsFlash....Yeah i will stalk my kids & they LOVE me that much for it! I don't Beat, starve them or deprive them of anything. I am there Protection, their Mother and the Watcher of their life!!!Parenthood is the most extreme form of LOVE!!! I feel for the kids whose parents don't give a Damn who or where they are at!!! That aint me. I love you my Babies...and would give my life for you!Mom

Luscious Twinkle said...

Yeah, way to alienate and fuck up your children. Lets dissect this shall we.....Parent first...friend second...Why not just parent?? You do NOT ''stalk....flip nightmare...hunt down like bloodhound''.....this is controlling and abusive behaviour falsely labelled as love, abusive in itself. I'll give you a healthy list which genuinely can be called love shall I??? You seem a little confused.
You should know at all times where your children are until they are of an age when you can trust them to call you and let you know themselves.
You do not flip out. You talk and explain to children, calmly.
You do not lecture. You talk to and explain, calmly.
When your kids do something wrong, you talk to them and explain why its wrong, get an apology and then leave it.You do not shout and you do not punish emotionally.
If your children EVER think all that is ok then its because they have become abusive and controlling themselves NOT because they are ''responsible adults''...I hope Ive made my point because I feel sick at the thought of what your kids must go through.
As well as having my own kids , I brought up 11 who were not my own. I am old enough to be a grandmother, have never spanked or hit a child and have an IQ of 138. If your children mutter that they hate you then you are doing it wrong....

Luscious Twinkle said...

You are right...its so not love...Its one thing knowing where your kids are and quite another to be so controlling and overbearing....and so DISRESPECTFUL.