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Sunday, February 24, 2013
My Friend
Without you in my life it would not be the same. You have supported me when I was down, encouraged me to do more and given me a self belief that I can be an amazing person by just being me.
Feel free to share the friendship rose
Thats deep my friend, so rare to be able to say that about a person. Thank you friend for sharing that one, its beautiful....
Thats deep my friend, so rare to be able to say that about a person. Thank you friend for sharing that one, its beautiful....
Thank you for you Kindness,without her my son and I could not make it.
I appreciate the <3, thats all I ask 4 nothing more.
I don't know what else I can say. Jo
To my wonderful friend, Nancy S.....you are a gift.
To many friends in my life thank you for everything!!
Thank you my friend! The ROSE! ALSO MY ANGELS! Me
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