Friday, November 15, 2019

This Is How 15 Minutes Walking Every Day Can Change Your Health, Body & Mind.

It's not news to anyone a healthy lifestyle includes some form of exercise. What may surprise you is that you don't have to hit the gym or pound the pavement jogging. 
Plenty of research shows that 150 minutes weekly of brisk walking is like a wonder drug in at least eight ways. 

1. Regulate Blood Pressure 

If you suffer from hypertension shoot for 40 minutes a day. The Korea Institute of Sports Science conducted a study that indicated
40 minutes of brisk walking daily drops your blood pressure by 5 points. If 40 minutes a day sounds like a lot, take heart. You can drop your numbers by 3 points by splitting that up into 4 separate 10-minute walks. 

2. Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer in Women 

According to the American Cancer Society, walking reduces the chance of breast cancer in women after menopause. By walking seven hours weekly, the risk of getting breast cancer is reduced by 14 percent. Even better, walk more hours at a faster pace to decrease the chance of getting breast cancer by a whopping 25 percent. 

3. Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

Do you have type 2 diabetes or want to prevent it? Strap on that Fitbit you got last Christmas. A 2012 study reveals that 3,000 to 7,500 steps a day is effective for treating and preventing this serious condition. The reason is simple; it reduces blood sugar levels. 

4. Get More Vitamin D 

A 30-year study conducted at the University of Western Ontario concluded that vitamin D is important for healthy bones. It prevents brittle bones and breaks when you're older. The sun is your best source for vitamin D. By walking 15-30 minutes in the sun each day you can get a good dose of this necessary vitamin. 

5. Increase Creativity 

Researchers from Stanford University found that walking increases creative activity in the brain. Great creatives like Mark Zuckerburg and the late Steve Jobs walked while discussing ideas with associates.

6. Boost Your Immune System 

Avoid colds, the flu, and other germ-related illness by walking at a moderate pace 30-45 minutes daily. A study at Appalachian State University suggested immunity boosters were high for several hours after physical activity.

7. Curb Sugar Cravings 

If you are dieting or concerned about high blood sugar, pay attention to a study conducted at the University of Exeter. Published in the journal Appetite, the study says that short walks help curb sugar cravings. 

8. Slow the Ageing Process 

Long-running clinical trials show a link between walking and ageing. This includes increased mobility, less dementia, and according to researches at McMaster University in Ontario even helps keep skin tighter. 
It's never too late to reap the benefits of walking. Make sure your friends and loved ones are aware of them also. If you're already a walker, let us know how walking has improved your quality of life. 
This content is created to the best of our knowledge and best of intentions, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way replace a consultation with your doctor. Your health is important so look after yourself.


Unknown said...

Walking reduces the chance of breast cancer in women after menopause.

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Jhon said...

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