Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Depression - In memory of Robin Williams

Depression, anxiety and panic attacks are not signs of weakness.
They are signs of trying to remain strong for far too long.

Following the tragic death of Robin Williams, I ask you share this on your wall for just a day to raise awareness and help support those who have been through it, who are going through it and have even been through it themselves. Let's show those who suffer that they're not alone. 1 in 3 of us will suffer with this at some point in our lives and will need love and support.

A Tribute in memory of Robin Williams - 21 July 1951 - 11 August 2014

Tribute Written and Created by Dave Hedges


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depressiona said...

All pain is not individual.A spiritual emergency can look like depression.It has huge numbers of the same inner sufferings,however the distinctions are exceptionally significant.Unfortunately we can't ask a suicide victim any of the vital questions that would help one perceive whether he is experiencing clinical depression or encountering a spiritual emergency.

Bonnie Jenkins.

Anonymous said...

Robin Williams suffered from depression but he had extenuating circumstances that certainly contributed to his decision to end his life.
He had Lewy body Dementia, symptoms of this disease include paranoia,confusion,anxiety and hallucinations.
Having an undiagnosed medical condition like this one would lead to confusion,anxiety and more depression.
It is important to rule out physical disease before you let a psychiatrist decide for you, based on a series of basic questions, what is wrong.

Unknown said...

You seem to have a deep understanding of depression and also things that affect the spirit. Beautiful insight. You are blessed

Unknown said...

You seem to have a deep understanding of depression and also things that affect the spirit. Beautiful insight. You are blessed

Unknown said...

and help support those who have been through it, who are going through it and have even been through it themselves.

Unknown said...

Kindly explain "a spiritual emergency". Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

Whether it caused his death or not, depression certainly made things worse for him. Depression is a DAILY struggle and can hit anybody regardless of age, gender or social stature. It takes hard work to overcome it but natural methods are extremely effective. For anyone suffering from depression, I recommend the http://destroydepression.com/info.html system. Written by James Gordon, a former depression & PTSD sufferer, it teaches 7 natural steps which he used to cure his own depression and has helped thousands.

Armygirl997 said...

Well said. It wasn't depression that killed him! Granted, several people die every day from this disease but stop using Robin Williams as an example.

Unknown said...

Depression is horrid I know as an old woman now ... I Had Terrible pre-menstral depression..as a young woman.. which was not really reconised then.

Unknown said...

So blessed is our would and all of lives to watch his humor, wisdom, love and compassion to all he knew. I feel his emmense love in my own live and will hatch his wisdom and talent and pass it to my grand children for the rest of my lifetime. Thank you world,universe for the pleasure of this man's love and talent that he gave to the world. May he always be known and loved for his work, love and humor he allowed us to share.

Unknown said...

I am sadden by the loss of a great man ...who suffered with depression....who made the world laugh as he was slowly dying on the inside... please show support to those who have depression... that depression is not a joke ... it real... show them we care

Unknown said...

Please explain what a spiritual emergency is? Sounds like what this I am experiencing now.

Anonymous said...

I just read this and it took me aback a bit. I disagree that his depression didn't play a part of his untimely death. Its no laughing matter, nor is it something you can just brush aside as trivial. Depression is a misunderstood disease. Please do not dismiss the hold it has on a person. I should know I suffer from bipolar and depression. Constantly.

Anonymous said...

May I ask you a question .. whose Doctor I ask regarding depressions,is that a psychologist?

jenjenjasp said...

Army girl. It most certainly WAS the depression which killed him and led him to taking his own life. He struggled with it for decades.

The illness he developed escalated his derision leading him to ending his life. Do NOT trivialize mental illness because you don't understand it? Add a clinical psychologist, your reply saddens me that you have NO clue the power mental illness has in many lives.

People absolutely CAN use this incredible man and his life journey with clinical depression as an example. It can strike anyone. THAT is what needs to be understood.

jaytee said...

A couple of folks asked what "spiritual depression"
One expression by a well known man said "happy are those conscious of their spiritual need..." and went on to explain later by example and word that all of us need solid hope for something better, to be explained why there is suffering, disease and death. He called this teaching work he did, 'the good news of the kingdom', his government means by which all of these maladies will be reversed.
This Truth brings happiness and solace to millions the world over.

Of course, clinical depression recovery meanwhile, while aided by conventional medical techniques and medicine, can be enhanced by a better feeling of worth once recognizing lack of spiritual nourishment and rectifying it by gaining contibual understanding of deep things in life, giving a person hope and a reason to live.

Deb said...

I agree with jenjenjasp 100%. Armygirl has no idea what she's talking about. I have lived with clinical depression my entire life. Finally found the right medication that works. You can only manage it, not cure it. You are not in control of your thoughts and feelings, depression controls you.

So heartbreaking when Robin passed. I want to believe that he doesn't mind his image being associated with mental illness so long as it raises awareness and perhaps encourages one to get help for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Please would explain what a spiritual emergency is?

Anonymous said...

When I heard of his death from suicide, many people commented that he had so much why would be Do that? My comment was He is no longer in pain. .. the pain and anguish of depression and brain illness.

Tobeystrashortreasure said...

To the person who commented under the name unknown, if you are feeling depressed reach out and talk to someone. Talk to your family doctor or go to the emergency department if you are feeling suicidal, please reach out for help. Depression is not a sign of weakness, in most cases it is the result of people trying to be strong for too long. Remember you are not alone, there are people that care about you and many options available to you to help you through this.

Anonymous said...

His wife released a statement . He had alizheimers. And not long to live. Friends were shocked as he wasn't depessive

Unknown said...

This end of the quote certaonly justifies the mean. We may continue with the academic exercise. He feels pain no more. He feels sorrowful no more. We are the vulnerable. The awareness created by this is appreciated forever and ever.

Anonymous said...

So many folks see and admit there is a problem in this world...but they refuse to accept or believe on the only solution, Almighty God The Lord Jesus Christ,! Praise The Lord!

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you."
Philippians 4:6‭-‬9 KJV

Anonymous said...


Jessica said...

Hey guys, how i got my Ex-husband back fast after a breakup ..
I'm so excited my broken Marriage has been restored and my husband is back after a breakup, After 2 years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Unity can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before,All thanks to Dr Unity. he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr Unity real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at: Unityspelltemple@gmail.com ,
you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348071622464 ,
his website:http://unityspelltemple.yolasite.com .
Jessica, 26 years, Texas, USA.

David said...

Want to use this medium to thank Dr. Ikhine for the special love spell he did for me by bring my lost lover of 3year back within 24hours after trying several spell before but they didn't work and I'm finally happy now since he came back into my life, you can also reach him on his email: agbadado@gmail.com or call +234874089085 and WhatsApp him +2348056932230 if you want your lost lover back urgently contact him through his contact details above now.

Anonymous said...

My mother had Parkinson's disease 11 years ago I completely understand why why Robin Williams killed himself it's like Alzheimer's disease with a rocket engine on it you don't know you til YOU have it,

Patti said...

Doctors and psyc meds can help a person work through this. Sometimes it tskes a while to find right meds. And exclude those that which put you out.

Patti said...

Excellent advise

Rem said...

Depression actually has no cure. It can only be relieved temporally by the use of drug prescrived by a physician. The only way to cure it permanently is by yourself. I was once affected by this emotional disturbance for almost two years. I've gone to psychiatric treatment cause I've seen thing on the wall everytime I opened my eyes. I am also afraid if nightime comes, and felling it's just like a melted candle afraid in the dark. My doctor adviced mo to mengle with my friends. But it never give me a relief until one day when I was hospitalized again,it come to my mind to end my life cause I can no longer bear these emotional detress that I felt. And it's just my body and my head becoming to explode. But miraculously when I whispered and I qoute, "Lord help me coz I can no longer bear this" and at that time I was at the terrace on the 6th floor of the hospital. At that moment my tears began to fall and someone turned me 180 degrees to walk straight to my room. And all of a sudden I felt so tired and I was asleep. When i woke up I felt so relieved...and the next day I was discharged from the hospital. That was the start of my spiritual encounter. The reason that I shared what I've gone through is, the only person who can help battling this depression is himself through acceptance. People are afraid of dying and that is the reason why we were affected by this negativity emotion. But you lift ut to GOD and acknoledge His presence, thing will in one's change perdectly. There is no such thing as IMPOSSIBLE. The word itself impossible if you separate IM. Says, Im possible. To end my story I will qoute one verse from the Holly Bible, "I CAN DO ALL THING THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRAIGHTENED ME. (Philippians-4:13)

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amazing and interesting post
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Amazing Famous Quotes said...

Nice post

Amazing Famous Quotes said...

Very nice post

r042wal said...

He was also an alcoholic and I don't see that mentioned here. Alcohol is a depressant and many alcoholics take their own lives. Also, many alcoholics recover.

Theresa Jones said...

I live this hell every day and it is mighty scary to want to die every day so I don't feel the pain any longer.

Anonymous said...

Ephesians 6:10-18King James Version (KJV)
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

James 4:7King James Version (KJV)
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Galatians 5:22-23King James Version (KJV)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Matthew 18:18-20King James Version (KJV)
18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Unknown said...

Hello everyone! Still don’t know the right words to express my Gratitude to the Great Dr.Tsotesi After been diagnosed of HERPES 1 and 2 VIRUS in July, i was given so many health prescription and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until i found many testimonies of Great Dr. Tsotesi in an online research on google, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting him, but i later did and he opened up to me and told me what was involved and he started the remedies for my health, i gave him a try and Thank God, i was cured from herpes permanently by the herbal medication I received from him true DHL delivery. I never thought that herpes can be cured, from the bottom of my heart I’m truly grateful,i still do not know how it was cure it highly unbelievable it just just too real to be real i pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your herbal medical support. i advice any one that is living with herpes virus should Contact the Great Dr Tsotesi today, because it has the cure to any problem Email him contact him by Email: drtsotesisolutionhome@gmail.com add him on whatsapp/Call +27653716382.

Anonymous said...

Greetings to the general public, i want to inform the public how i was cured of HERPES Simplex Virus by a man called Dr Azuka. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr Azuka cured them. I was scared because i never believed in the Internet but i was convince to give him a try because i was having no hope of been cured of HERPES so i decided to contact him on his email that was listed on the comment ( Dr.azukasolutionhome@gmail.com ) i searched his email on net and i saw a lot of people testifying about his goodness. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my HERPES result came out negative. I pray for you Dr Azuka God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being a sincere and great man. Am so happy, you can also contact him if you have any problem Email : DR.AZUKASOLUTIONHOME@GMAIL.COM


HSV 1 & HSV 2

Unknown said...

He didn't kill himself because he was depressed guys. He killed himself because he was ill. Please fact check first.

Unknown said...

He had Lewy Body Dementia. His family released that information recently.

Anonymous said...

Reading on the comment section I think that this post is not for advertising spell casters I think it's rude and obnoxious and totally uncalled for praying on someone's anxiety and depression by posting stories about spell casters witchcraft basically is horrible what is wrong with you people I cannot even believe that they allow those comment to linger on here you women are crazy in the head if you think someone online created a spell to get your mates back no wonder your partner's left you and if they did come back to you they are just as crazy as you are there's no need for advertising false hopes two people that are suffering from depression some of these people really need serious help you oughta be ashamed to even suggest that this could help anyone this was about depression and anxiety not about crazy spell-casting and relationships that broke up over cheating I hope no one takes it seriously please continue to seek help that's out there to really help you not con you may God bless those who suffer from depression anxiety panic attacks and any other mental illness that they so desperately want to get help for my prayers are with you

Kmmnurse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It’s too bad people really don’t care. Everyone says if I’d only knew or you’ll see people sharing the crap out of these post, but if they come across a true situation, they run the other way. So yeah people say they care. In truth, depressed people are alone, because no one wants to hear it or see it or cares that you can’t get over it.

Anonymous said...

I love reading comments. We all want to put in our 2 cents worth. Here is mine. There is only two that know why he committed suicide. Robin Williams and God. If you don't believe in God than just Robin Williams. Everyone wants to make since why someone would take their own life. Honestly we will not know. No matter why, always show the ones you love, LOVE. You don't know what they are really going through in their mind and tomorrow is not promised.

Anonymous said...

I have suffered from clinical depression all my life.I have come to learn its always with you. In my younger yrs it was out of control.I have learned to take my meds all the time. But I have to say with me anyways if I let my life get out of control or if I am steady putting myself out there getting stressed it comes back and with me its like a freight train when it starts. My point is its like something totally different inside u like a different person and there is no control if u let it go to far.I believe understanding yourself is key.I still get down but I won't let the depression win its about balance and understanding and knowing when the beast rears its ugly head to get help so it doesn't consume u. Just the way it is for me

Anonymous said...

Sometimes Doctors and MEDS can help. It's not a given thing that meds will help everyone along with doctors. I've had Major Depression/anxiety since 1993. I've done the things and here I am 64 years old and still have no pleasure to do anything. Pray to whoever if you have never had to experience any of this.

Unknown said...

Depression sucks

Anonymous said...

I'm 49 and as someone who suffers Clinical Depression, Type 2 Bi Pola and sever anxiety now for approx 9ish years and life is hard. If you met me you would never know. I am on hi levels of medication and I won't apologise for that and I have no intention of stopping. Because of them I can lead as normal life. My farther suffered Severe Clinical Depressing and Anxiety. He tried to take his life 3 times. My farther did not do this for attention, he didn't want to burden us. I still have his suicide note from the first attempt. He ended up having over approx 50 electric shock treatments over the time. Growing up my farther was an amazing strong fun farther and a great friend with others. When I was showing symptoms I knew to get help. It has been carried down in our family from my fathers side. He is doing fine know.. I am still a daddy's girl, I lost him but he came back. Unfortunately my daughter 23 at the time, married, 2 young children, started showing signs and knew straight away what to do. Thankfully she is on a low dose. God bless to all who am going through the hardest hurdle you are taking or are taking.

Unknown said...

This web link you mentioned above, I went on that web page. Looking for a solution to depression and if I can somehow buy that book.But was shocked to see the price.. 37$..And that too only for a limited period otherwise its $76. I just want to tell the author that inspite of the depression he went through and all his research and therapies to come out of it.. Shouldn't he try to provide it at a low price so that all classes of people can afford it. I mean he is selling the book as a marketing gimmick. Even after doing through the pains of it, he wants to make a business out of it. Of course thats his choice. But I lost trust in his whole article.

Unknown said...

Have you heard about About NeuroStar® TMS Therapy? Check it out. Many many insurance companies cover it

Anonymous said...

My understanding of a spiritual emergency is when one is usually very withdrawn feeling helpless and worthless and no longer has reason or tolerance for the usually habitual charade they often play to undermine the severity , it comes usually after one or more incidents occur at a very vulnerable and already grim state of mind. It is when you question your existence not just as physical but are seeking the spiritual questions as it acts as an alternative higher power. From my expierience a spiritual emergency is when you believe there's no way out so seek spiritual guidance in some cases desiring justification for your decision to cease physical existence , very deep I know , and I'm just one opinion seeing through my eyes and feeling my personal affliction. That's the sad thing , it's different for everyone. Just reassure people if you know someone is suffering ,don't be afraid and avoid them , you might just save their life

Amber said...

A man I have loved for over so many years left me for a lady he met some weeks ago. According to his Facebook post, he is already planning to marry because she is good looking, he distanced himself from me and blocked me from contacting him.

He forgot so soon how we suffered together and vows never to leave each other, how I helped him recover from emotional instability and stress after his divorce, how I made his son who hated him so much speak to him again and made peace with him, he forgot how I cured him from a crazy bender which almost took his life.

He made me deny all my suitors by promising to marry me. I did not know what was wrong with him or if the new lady has done some voodoo on him. I became disappointed with myself for being a victim, for allowing him pay me back in such a disgraceful manner.

I was emotionally and physically hurt when I took the matter to dr aluda love spell temple through his email,not that I did not wish him well, but I wanted Dr. aluda to search through the spiritual realms to see who he supposed to be with. I love him so much and I wondered how I can live my life without him.

After the love spell, the man that blocked me unblocked me by himself, rushed to my house, crying and begging for another chance. He deleted link to the lady and vowed to fasten our marriage.

Am honored the spell was done according to his wish, we are happy together. All thanks to Dr. aluda love spell temple.

email dr aluda on aludaspelltemple@gmail.com

whatsapp him on +393512872745 if you need help

From USA

Anonymous said...

Albert Uwa, you are sick. How can you put shameless and idiotic advertising on a blog that is meant to help us try to understand depression. You are the worst of the worst. Do you think that maybe you will bring more money to your pockets by possibly fooling someone such as me who is depressed over so many things including lack of love? Once again, you are a sick individual lacking morals.

Unknown said...

Absolutely right. I have had and understand depression but I recognise when I'm having a spiritual emergency.

Anonymous said...

Depression feels to me like.... "A lake of fire".... Pure daily torment that you can do absolutely nothing about...

josephine said...

After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr AKHERE and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com
call/whatsapp:+2349057261346 you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS

Anonymous said...

I have Borderline personality disorder and chronic depression.I also tried to Drink my pain away daily.I suited up with my fake smile and humour but hated myself. Alcohol is a depressant so it go worse .AA taught me about spiritual condition and gave me a tool box to get through any challenges/ i stopped drinking and was good until iwasnt be ause i used booze to stop my pain.Then i had to Find out why i was in sooo much despair.After years of mental health workers and phyciatrists became my new search.Robin Williams is being focused on for suicide prevention and to let people know that a comic,$$,fame doesnt exclude anyone.Spiritual/Religious/rich/ poor/man/woman???Im sharing this because when i saw this post i related to it but most importantly i knew it was right in front of me.STAYING STRONG and not asking for help because of being portrayed as"TROUBLED,WEAK,WITH ZERO CONTROL."I could go on for hours but at the end of the day people are still judgmental and even cruel.Mr.Robin Williams thank u for reaching out from where ever u are now because something as simple as a small paragraph got me to a place where i had missed the truth of my own.Sending love to everyone and do not wait to long and hide your truth
We are all canadates.��

Anonymous said...

I've been suffering with this for over 30 years, just when I think I'm okay it comes back and rips my life apart.. your remark about spiritual emergency got my attention can you please elaborate can you please help me because I'm really tired..

Unknown said...

Anonymous hello . Ask your Doctor for Genome Testing, it helps them isolate Gene's to check through your DNA what medications you shouldn't ever use and medication interactions. In most States it is covered 100% Carry On, I will think of you often

Unknown said...

Well said..this is what I'm waiting for. Indeed no one can help us out but Jesus. Use to be depressed but i conquered it by reading the Bible and attending Bible study groups. With real Christian friends around one can make it. His word is powerful that You would be lifted up. His love carried me through. Listen to Joel Osteens preaching. It will lift your spirit up as well.

Unknown said...

Depression is no joke I have dealt with it off and on since I was in my teens panic attacks are really bad I've had them since I was 5and anxiety goes along with it I have generalized anxiety dissorder and it's terrible I pray for all that have any kind of mental condition like this

Pabs said...

I am a university professor and experienced depression in my mid-forties. I got estranged from my wife. Sometimes in front of my class panic seizes and my mind freezes. Shortly before my wife and I parted I experienced what Christians call the "born again" experience. It is like an epiphany, a revelation of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, His supreme act of sacrifice on the cross to win for me forgiveness of all sins and redemption. The experience is like being born again a new man, beyond condemnation. Thus, I was equipped with a mental weapon to battle depression when it came. When the panic came, I would excuse myself and go to a closet and wage spiritual warfare against the depression. The spiritual dimension of life is among the basic tenets of almost all religions. Thus, I view depression as either clinical or spiritual. Clinical is well studied but spiritual depression falls outside the scope of medicine. Yet, it is real. Anecdotes are rife of depression cured through prayer and casting out of spirits, the demons of depression.
Thus, I would wage spiritual warfare against those demons when panic attacks. Then peace would come, a stillness that I know comes only from the Divine, a peace beyond understanding.

doc said...


There is a world not everyone sees, it's dark and to many a secret
Fond memories held and nothing to ease, the pain; just want to leave it
Behind a smile; a happy façade; there's a world we never see
I've been down that road in this regard, so listen to my plea

DON'T HIDE BEHIND A FORCEFUL SMILE, let your true feelings out
For nothing in life can reconcile and can leave you with no doubt
That black dog bites when least expected, don't hide behind a disguise
It's a personal fight of a mind rejected, clouded by self lies

Another sufferer lost today, many hearts are broken
Loss of a life is a price to pay, from a disease that's never spoken
Farewell to a man who bought us joy, laughter and happiness inside
Just wish everyone could deploy, to get everyone to swallow their pride

Behind a smile I see a man who gave no indication
In denial to every fan; no understandable explanation
That's unless you've walked that road, experienced the black dog's bite
No one sees your life erode, because no one has turned on the light

If you have a loved one or a friend who doesn't seem to be coping
Make an effort to understand, and challenge the person you're scoping
Four simple letters that spell out a word; four letters you have to say
I know to some this might seem absurd but ask them, RUOK

A tribute to a funny man with a very funny and creative mind and the plea I make to everyone out there


Karen said...

This article is not accurate according to the coroner. At the time of his death there were were reports of a physiological anomoly that mimics depression and was only discovered in an autopsy of his brain...Lewy Body Dementia Sympgoms mimic depression


Karen said...

Lewy Body Dementia has symptoms that can outwardly look like psychosis. This is what they found in brain autopsy...not Depression


Unknown said...

I agree; the price is too much for most people.

Anonymous said...

Robin Williams was not suffering from Depression. he had Lewy Bodies Disease (dementia). That's what should be remembered and that's what he should be used to create an awareness for. Quote is beautiful but I'm sorry, it's just not related to Robin Williams. It is being shared and it is 'misinformation'. please correct it! There is a big difference between depression and dementia, the both suck but they are two separate conditions.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Robin Williams had Lewy Body Dementia. You need to be careful when using him as an example of a person with Depression, without knowing the true facts about his passing. If you research Lewy Body Dementia you will understand what that type of Dementia
actually does and how it changes someone's brain function.

Anonymous said...

I agree and can truthfully say I know firsthand from what I went through with my late husband.

Annette Swain #PoetAnet💕 said...

Actually they may be related?? As no one really knows how #Alzheimer’s or #Dementia are really caused, they do say that some causes may be triggered by #Stress #AnxietyAndDepresion

Annette Swain #PoetAnet💕 said...

“Is a #SpiritualEmergency the same as #DarkNightOfTheSoul because I’ve had a couple of those during my life time. You can only control so much of your life, destiny will put you where you’re meant to be, sadly we can sometimes end up in the wrong place, at the wrong time, in this life called earth, we can only let go, let God and end up with hope in the sublime. From my #DarkNightOfTheSoul derives my this #Poem #Quintessence #HeavenlyBody for there are #EarthlyBodies and #HeavenlyBodies
#HoldOn #KeepBreathing “QUINTESSENCE” I was withered, I was broken, Extremely lost in my emotions, Meak and mild, Like a child, Yet fully grown. I cried and I cried, To the depth of my dispair, Sobbed and I wept, Hoping to find you their, Praying or th smallest piece of hope, Praying so hard just to cope. No one but me, knows how this feels, Like no one but me, Knows this is real. As I lay crying upon my bed, Until my tears run dry, I see a tiny speck of bright light way up in the night sky. As that light gets closer, It’s blinding, yet tolerable, Was I about to die? Two divine beings were they, Glowing so heavenly, Their robes floating, Comforting, Surronding me. One watching over another, Helping to perfect such divine work. They tinker with my Souls Spirited Heart, Helping to heal deep cut wounds and shattering scars. They leave me full of love love and healing, As they diffuse through my bedroom ceiling, A bright speck in the night sky once again, Until they could no longer be seen, This was not a dream. “The laying on of spiritual hands, Can not be performed by any mortal earthly man, But only by the Holy Spirit Divine” #Poem Written in 2013, written and performed in #SouthAustralianPoetrySlam2013

Annette Swain #PoetAnet💕 said...

I have no doubt in my mind, heart and soul that Robin Williams is being heavenly comforted for all eternity now!����✨��

Annette Swain #PoetAnet💕 said...


Indianaboy said...

I have been going thru some really bad depression. Ive come close several times to even ending my life. I dont want to die but i suffer constantly. I truly believe ive suffered since i was a kid. I had a pretty rough life growing up. Ive also been hit in the head with several objects. Ive tried to push thru it by myself. Turned to drugs made it worse. Im very confused and all alone all the time. I want my life and family back. Really not sure what to do can anyone shed light for me or maybe what i should do

Anonymous said...

Except the fact that Robin Williams did NOT die from depression.

He died from Lewy Body Dementia... not depression.

Google it: Robin Williams Lewy Body Dementia.

Nikik said...

First off, you have to know tomorrow is a new day. You are worthy. Are you clean and sober now? If not, that’s the first thing you have to do. You cannot have a clear mind if you don’t. Find a good psychiatrist and a good Christian counselor. Battlefield of the mind is a book by Joyce Meyer. It comes as a book or as a daily devotional. It helped me when I was battling major depression. That, medicine and counseling in combination pulled me out of it. The counseling and the battlefieldbof the mind can get you to focus on positives. One thing that I found to help tremendously is to write down 5 things I am grateful for each day in a journal. This helps get you thinking more about positives in your life and I found it really hard to come up with 5 every day but it can be very simple things like I’m thankful I had food to eat or a visit from a friend, etc. I will pray for you Indianaboy��❤️

Chris Rov Costa said...

Can you please take this down, people sharing it, and it’s false information. I just read a very misleading depression awareness campaign using the memory of Robin Williams. While depression awareness is extremely vital in our times. The Great Robin Williams suicide was not related to depression, financial issues, or substances abuse. He was suffering from louie body dementia. As explained by his dear friend comedian Bobcat, the spotlight should be on what actually killed him.

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Ariane said...

Their so many stories. It's hard when u suffer from depression and anxiety. You question ur life u see things in a different light than most do. When all u want is just someone around u to understand and they dont. They cant feel how hard it is to keep going. Robin was one of my favorites. May he rest in peace. I hope people please take the time to listen when someone is suffering with mental illness u may save a life. Just by listening.

Bradford#1fan said...

Robin Williams is and always will be my most favorite actor in the whole world. I fully understand what Robin Williams lived with every signal day of his life. I'm legally Blind developmentally disable have depression and severe anxiety. I struggle every day with this. It is extremely hard some days for me. People that do not have it absolutely totally do not understand at all what people with depression and severe anxiety live with every signal day of their lives. I wish the world was not so judgmental towards people with mantle illness. We all need and must get compassion, love and understanding.

Unknown said...

I suffer from depression myself.i also suffer from anxiety disorder and panic attacks.and let me tell you IT'S no joke.its changed my life for the bad.you think your having a heart attack, so you go to the hospital and by the time you get there your symptoms go away,IT'S so frustrating and scary.my depression was basically stabilized and then my father was in the hospital for over a month and my baby brother passed away.now I'm a mess I'm scared I might do something stupid.

Nickinicole said...

I have Anxiety and from time to time I have panic attacks Is not pretty and I hate it

Anonymous said...

Depression is a form of being victimized. I read alot an I have witnessed alot an I'm just 41 years of age. I married a man that refuses to properly communicate because he was severely abused an his mother. Abusers like to make there victims believe there is no hope an they must be done this way. That was a tatic in the early 80's that was done to my eldest sister by a stranger named Steve Corbin. There are clues: always alone: having no functioning that's constructive: being threatened an cornered by constant stalking: not having any friendship that last: not retaining a mutual mate: never being able to progress an evolve: other signs are physical appearance: even self care is a sign of severe abuse: physical injuries on going: sexual abuse:
Being aware an attentive to what is going on is a safety percaution that everyone should heed because some abusers refuse to stop due to having low self esteem an no respect for others. That's why they look for someone to prey on an abuse. It's a delusion of power because no one has no authority over anyone beyond normal rules an regulations. The abuser will do more to you as they slip through the cracks, they will even try an dispose of you physically an tell you redundant that you are to be depressed over there behavior, an you have no real value or they wouldn't have been able to continue. Speak up your not alone, tell someone that you know or don't know. Sometimes we feel by are selves but truth be told there are other victims who feel the same as you. United to make abuse stop an abusers taking responsibility for there actions not anyone innocent. So they also can feel defeated due to someone not recognizing reality. No one deserves to stink an be sexually assaulted an ridiculed over a stranger's behavior.

speedykid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
speedykid said...

I went though depression when i lost my brother after he passed i thought i lost everything my wife comfort me everyday for about a week and helped me though this so rather she knew it or not she saved my life because that day i wanted to end it losing someone that you look up to is hard to adjust to he's been gone almost a year and it's still hard it's a good thing i have someone like my wife she goes to every length to help me though this

Anonymous said...

Mental illness is based on behavioral factors. A bully has mental illness. Then there self blame an thinking you invited the abuser. Remember to speak up because depression is really just a state of being victimized, an feeling no one will believe you over the abuser. I would step up to the plate an make the bully forever sit down. The times we live in are very serious an bullys are evil. The lack an that's why they have constant inappropriate behavior problems. Self defense is something your allowed to all do instead of being dumbed down to be victimized an allowing a abuser to victimize you on any level period

Markus Allen said...

In my life, I've dealt with depression, but it has always been my strength to believe in myself, and my belief in my fellow 'humans', that has kept me wanting to exist. If I were to take my life, it would be because I suffered a decease/illness that cannot be cured, and therefore, wouldn't want to go through the pain and suffering that would come before I die (as well as collect up a medical bill left behind for someone to have to deal with). Instead, I live to see the day where every single human on earth realizes that we don't need myths and fairytale 'religion' stories to give ourselves meaning and purpose. All we need is each other, because to fix the problems that exist in the world, it will take ALL OF US TOGETHER to fix those problems. That cannot happen through wishful thinking and magic, but from actual hard work. I am motivated to live to see that day come, to share my point of view of what we truly are, which is, one of millions of lifeforms sharing this planet. To realize, that we (the human lifeform) is the death and destruction of this planet, but there's time to change that, if only we try.

Unknown said...

Unknown as to your reply please don't give up ask God for help tomorrow can be a better day I have depression and anxiety to the extreme praying is what gets me through...Keep Pushing On ...

Look through it said...

Indianaboy- you are not alone. I have felt this way and suicidal feelings are an epidemic now days so many many people feel the way you do. And because of that there have been a lot more studies on this issue than previously. I don’t think science supports the above assertion that a Christian counselor or devotionals are necessarily of particular importance unless that is important to you. Counseling can be very beneficial and what’s most important with that is that you trust the person. Having a good self care ritual is important-this can be hard to establish when you are depressed. I find establishing one small easy habit per month makes it solid in your brain till you start to develop confidence in yourself to care for yourself and that can become a foundation for self confidence. It’s also important to have some kind of social interaction. I have pretty severe social anxiety so I understand that is not necessarily easy. NAMI offers regular meetings all over the country for people who are mentally ill. If nothing else it’s a way to connect with other people on a regular basis. You can get info on their meetings at nami.org they also publish current information about mental illnesses and resources. I don’t think traditional anti-depressants are very helpful and the science supports that they are almost the same as placebos. Unfortunately, drs will want to see if they work before trying other options. The good news is there are finally better options available. Once a psychiatrist has diagnosed you with treatment resistant depression there is ECT, ketamine is being used selectively and soon MDMA and psilocybin are expected to be approved by the FDA (as soon as 2021)(there are other effective treatments at this higher tier but I can’t remember them right now but a psychiatrist will be able to refer you) in fact the research done recently with psychedelics is very interesting and is widely available now if you’re interested you should google it it may bring you a lot of hope. It’s showing people really getting better at a very high rate that weren’t helped by anything previously. In the meantime, the tough thing about treatment resistant depression is going through all the ups and downs of medication changes in order to get diagnosed. If you’ve already been through any of that and can get your records that will help. The main thing is that you are not alone. This is broadly society wide. It is not your failing. You are worthy of feeling better than you do. Also, back to the NAMI meeting the best help I’ve found is talking to other people who understand whether at crisis centers or at meetings that has made a huge difference. Much love to you I hope you find the help you need.

Look through it said...

Also indianaboy, the science does not support needing to be clean and sober as a starting out point, sorry Nikik I’m not trying to be argumentative but I do think it’s important to clear up misnomers especially when people’s lives are on the line. Many, if not most drugs will make your situation worse and alcohol abuse will as well but trying to get sober first without the proper support if you’re addicted is often a recipe for failure. A good duel diagnosis program-which is a program for addicts who are mentally ill would be your best bet if you feel you are addicted whether or not you’re currently using. Definitely if you’re using and they can help advise you as to the best way to get clean for your mental illness that will support your mental health. The idea that you need to get clean to get anywhere is an outdated way of thinking that can be dangerous for mental health patients.

Look through it said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Don’t give up. Cast your cares on the Lord. He died so you can have life and in Him more abundance. I’m praying for you.

Anonymous said...

When satan is under attack. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual principalities in high places.

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's rare that I read all of the comments on a post but today for some reason, I did. I liked a respected Robin Williams as an actor, comedian and caring individual. It saddened me when he died and especially the circumstances. To argue over details isn't helpful to those who suffer from depression. Any dementia, whether it's Alzheimer's or Lewy body, may lead to suicidal depression. So can losing a loved one, drug addiction or alcoholism. I believe in God and so do many with depression, but one of the first things you lose when you sink down that rabbit hole, is faith. You drown in pain and a sense of unworthiness, convincing yourself that the only way to make it stop is through death. Medication may help since long term depression can change your brain chemistry. What does help is support from people who care: family, friends, doctors, pastors. If they truly care about you as a person and not as an object, project, customer, or obligation, they can help you pull out of the depression and work on coming back into a world where the sun DOES shine sometimes. People can survive depression. I did. But not alone.

Deanna said...

Hi there. Im a 36 y/o female who is a mental health warrior... (just for today). I was diagnosed e Bipolar 1, BPD and anxiety. I just found out about 1 year ago, and have been in therapy and on meds for 15 months. Thanks for spreading love, kindness and awareness! Always love- B

Unknown said...

How do you know the difference depression and a spiritual attack or emergency?

Anonymous said...

U may like to Google DrCaroline Leaf n depression. She has much to teach us on rebuilding our thot life to detox our brain.
I suffered from manic depression for 30 yrs n doc said I had to be on medication for life.
Been so well for the last 16 yrs n off medication.
I believe that depression can be wired out of our system if we know how to grow healthy thots.
We are wired for love n all depressive thots lie in the fear zone that eats up our healthy proteins in the brain.
We have a choice to choose life n not death.

elsa sofia said...

Robin Williams fue un hombre maravilloso para aquellos como yo que solo lo conocimos por sus películas, la enfermedad es muy terrible, todo ser humano no somos iguales, algunos son mas fuertes o débiles, es importante vivir y disfrutar de lo que tenemos y en paz con los demás.

Anonymous said...

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by power and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
~Philippians 4:6-7

Unknown said...

Chronic pain often leads to stress, anxiety and depression! Many don't understand this, or at least have some compassion for those experiencing it themselves. I know I didn't.

I've had postherpetic neuralgia and costochondritis for over 9 months. I know some are suffering more, but often I go to sleep at night hoping I don't wake!

Anonymous said...

Worth saying again ...

Jwilliams59 said...

No one is immune from depression. A parent of mine had it, some siblings have had it, I have had it and unfortunately it has been passed along to one of my children. I used to think of depression as a sign of weakness it's not! Get help!! Do not chance it. Find a group to talk to. Send me a text I'll talk. No one should go through depression alone!

Info68135 said...

Anonymous- I have a 24 year old son that sounds incredibly similar to you, but has not gotten to a good place yet. Can you please email me directly so that I may speak with you? smartin68135@gmail.com Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The worst feeling is being in a crowded world and feeling totally alone and helpless... ������

NotAlwaysSunshine said...


Anonymous said...

whoever is going thru it please find an Art of Living center and do the Happiness Programme. i guarantee you your life will change . mine did big time !!! i pray you do this !

NotAlwaysSunshine said...

I'm sorry but I don't believe in man made spells or anything along those lines. And how much did it cost for this spell he did. It's great you all reunited but I think everyone has to take a look at themselves 1st. Because if your not happy with yourself you can't truly be happy with someone else. I think women in general try to see the good in people and in men thinking they can change them or make them better. It's a known fact that it's completely false. We only can change & control ourselves. I've grown up in church and still have the same faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and have seen him work in my life. Of course this is just my opinion and the road that my life has taken me. I have and still do deal with my own demonds, depression and anxiety but I try to pray each and everyday for the stregth to get through each day and each issue or problem that comes across my path. I don't use alcohol or drug's my vice is "retail therapy" yes shopping although it sometimes feels good at the time when I look at some of the crap I bought I'm like what were you thinking?? So now it's time for a garage sale which is a lot of work and won't make back near what I spent. I've got issue's and struggles like everyone just try to make the best if them that I can to get through each day. Don't forget to do something for yourself on a regular basis because everyone deserves something nice even if you get it for yourself. Good luck and God Bless. DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!! 🙏

Elena said...

Hi to everyone. I also went through all these mental problems. This is smth that has helped me to understand whats going on. Hopefully it will help others:


Elena said...

I've made a long journey, read lots of books, met doctors, took pills... Finaly realised that my life - my choice and we all can choose live fully instead of suffering. Just made myself wake up, dress up, go to work, work properly, go to swimming pool, jogging, youga, books, take care of others, take care of m6self, set targets in everyday life and do this beautiful journey. I completely refused from alkohol, started doing better nutrition, doin social work - there are soooo many people that have worse situation than me... step by step you just open up your inner love to the life, inner light that is getting stronger and stronger :) and at one mement you feel that your not the darkness that is trying to kill you but the light that wants to live. Also here 8s the book that made me reestimate how to deal with depression. Free to download. All the best!

Unknown said...

We all go thru things. We all cover up alot and depression will reveal itself. No matter how hard you try and keep depression tucked away.. it always seems to re-surface. Just stay strong if your dealing with these issues. Nobody wants to seek support. Most will ignore if you try to help. Never give up.. mental health is a serious issue that has been covered up to long and neglected badly. Be nice to a person. You never know what your kind words will do it help not do..

Anonymous said...

Depression is a Disease !!! Just like Diabetes is
Yes- One out of Every 3 People do suffer with it. BUT to what extreme is the Question ???
I live with Depression every day of my Life, have experiments in over 30 medications, suffering side effects (meanwhile still being Depressed) Hoping that One or a Combo of more than that will help Me Feel as close as I can to feeling better !!
Adding to that 18 Shock Treatments which was a Total Waste of Time, been Hospitalized 3 Times!!!

I am currently on 5 Medications (both morning and night) and still wake up with Depression. Praying for a Miracle Each and Every Day. Hard to Keep the Faith but I'm so Far Not Lost It.

The Hardest thing to watch are People just going along in their daily life without No feeling the way I do.
I am fighting the Devil trying to be Strong that He Does No Defeat Me !!!

Unknown said...

One of the greatest cures for depression is to grow a garden...or have little children ...to see things grow into beauty and strength proves to us that ALL is not lost ......and for the gardeners ....grow a few ORGANIC OUTDOOR CANNABIS PLANTS....JUST SEEING THEM GROW WILL ALWAYS LIFT THE SPIRIT.....BILLIONS OF HUMANS CAN'T BE WRONG....

You can survive said...

I too have GAD,depression and panic attacks. I am also a victim of domestic violence. There is not a day that goes by that I dont ask myself, is this ok? Am I going on with a purpose.....then I see my 3 young children and my sadness disappears. My youngest is named after my younger brother committed suicide. Life is a struggle. I'm so happy (ironically) that I started reading all of these stories. PRAYERS FOR STRENGTH.

Anonymous said...

I was so SICK in my life about 5 years ago I thought about it EVERY DAY. But I refused to do it. Even thow it would take away the pain and sickness.
I had even decided if I could pop my knuckles 25 times at one time. I would cut off a finger. And that would take the pain away. Foruntly I never got past 23. I'm better now and back to my life.

Kim said...

Thank you. Please know that your caring words are read and recognized by someone who is truly suffering and has been for some time now. I spent 5 weeks in the hospital. I started getting electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and has helped me immensely. I am now down from ECT 3 times a week to only once a week now. My ECT Dr is amazing and amazingly understanding. I would not be alive today if it wasn’t for my hospital stay and my ECT Dr and that team of nurses.

Anonymous said...

I came to the hacker CYBORGUNLEASH because I wanted to improve my credit score and learn about credit and how to utilize credit. In the very first round I was very surprised because my score shot up tremendously. From a low 450 to a whopping 800. am so glad i came to know the hacker on time and didn’t fall for scammers claiming to be hackers. You can contact him call +15074055158

Unknown said...

I don't want to be judged on my grammer or spelling or whatever kind of depression robin Williams had.when the cold weather comes and the short days it can be depressing. Add in pain can be a perfect recipe for suicide. I try to think of tommorow and what I can do to help someone else and keep busy. I hope this will help someone in this situation

Anonymous said...

Excellent postings.

Girjaa Sharma said...

No offence to anyone or any medical facilities here, BUT, in my experience, I have learnt a very very simple aspect of life to why people go into the depression zone. One word “ACCEPTANCE”. See through what you are seeing right now, just once. Talk to yourself, why EGO?why Insecurities? why NOT BeINg LOVED the way you wanted? why YOU DONT OWN THIS/that?

It’s long list of demands from one simple life that has been given you to live. But, if one is not able to accept & live thru it then it is probably your expectations that are pulling you down.

Diseases are nothing but our acceptance level. Again! No offence, just an experience to share.

Unknown said...

2 questions I must pose:
1st: to whom is this article attributed who/by whom? From what I have gathered, this just seems like a thread that someone posed to seem like intellectual thread attributed to, by seemingly quotes by, Robin Williams. I am not here to disagree with anyone who has commented - because I have read most everyone's responses. However, I do believe it's only appropriate to address this serious matter (as someone who is only speaking from experience - not seeking recognition) what I have to say may be read by only a few people, and I'm okay with that. I clicked on this post and was brought here because I was searching for possible answers that I felt only the late Robin Williams might answer, although he's gone too... it was unrealistic, yet I found myself still searching for his optimistic words of encouragement, and laughter, despite these trying times. Although the stark reality still hit me that he is, in fact, no longer with us.... his legacy still remains. Had he been here with us today, he would encourage us to continue life with laughter, no matter how terrifying or hard it might be.... to continue to push through our obstacles, because there's simply no other way... I think that in these times of ultimate difficulty, we often look to someone above us.. so there's a reason we are all here. If you're still reading this, it means that you believe in what we're all still fighting for and that's the fact that humanity is drawn together by one simple string - and that's the string that holds us all together. Robin Williams was a force of nature that allowed us to see our connection of humanity in its purest form. There's no doubt that he would want his message to be continued through all of us today - right now. If you're still reading this, then I'm sure you agree with the message that means the most in this world and that is the connection of humanity. It is up to us, that these legends and these messages don't die in vain.

Smauk said...

Hello please my names is samuel eshun from Ghana I've been suffering from depression and anxiety for over 20yrs and it still worries me can you please help me..also my right ear doesn't work I can't hear with my right ear

Unknown said...

It seems you have much understanding about depression, I really need your advice

Erich said...

It's true, most don't really care at all. If you see Bible quotes all over the place - it's an indication, they really don't give a damn. They just judge you, throw that shit at your face. I care because I have gone, am still going, through it, most of 60 years. More than likely for several reasons - heredity, chemistry, environment - instilled or learned, deep inner conflict etc. Ultimately, I would tend to say awareness (limited). It's not about guilt. That's the first myth to correct. The world is literally a guilt trip - that's depressing! Sensitive people are the first ones to be aware of it - sometimes don't survive. But everyone will come to need help at some point, in whatever way they can understand. It's a call for compassion, not for guilt. We are all in this thing together, for 'we' and 'they' are one and the same.

Yehuda Grundman said...

I am surprised that no one has mentioned the word PURPOSE! We are all here to play an “Involuntary Game” called life whose PURPOSE is a mystery for most of us! Our general well being depends on us asking and discovering a profound PURPOSE for this game that we are all mostly unconsciously in! ... If you keep on seeking the answer to “why am I here” and what is the TRUE PURPOSE for the time I am spending here you will eventually discover this PURPOSE and when you will your life will begin to gradually but surely improve! The discovery of the TRUE PURPOSE of life is in our hands always! ... Love and Light!

Rukky Justice said...

Depression leads to suicidal and from the pit of hell, JOB 22:23-26 get acquainted with the Lord and you will be build up. Be surrounded by good-minded people it's gonna help also

Omar Jesu said...

I want to share a great testimony on this website on how great Priest Babaka help me in falling pregnant,me and my husband have been trying to have a baby for over 4years,but they where no luck so we decided to contact the family doctor and after all the test have been done,he said to us that my fallopian tube is not functioning.then one day i was in the office when a friend of mine who have the same problem with me, fall pregnant after she contacted Priest Babaka .she directed me to him and when i contacted him through his email and he did the purification on the pregnancy spell and in 2weeks time i was feeling some how and i went to meet the family doctor who told me that i am pregnant.if you know that you have a similar problem like this, or any fertility issue and you want to be pregnant you can contact Priest Babaka via Email: babaka.wolf@gmail.com or Facebook at priest.babaka

Anonymous said...

"Do not be anxious about anything,but in every situation,by prayer and petition,with thanksgiving present your request to God"
Philippians 4:6
May God bless you and keep you healthy. pray unceasingly! and U'll be just fine.

Jacob said...

I have been through through anxiety and I can say that I would not wish that even to my worst enemy. I pray for those who are suffering now to get through this .

Anonymous said...

I've been in his position before.. I tried to suicide from OD to try cut my wrist a few times.. Well not now. Even sometimes in the middle of night I'm still crying without reason alone.
Wish people can be more stronger and don't give up, even we can't talk about our problems with other please don't give up.

Unknown said...

Its hard to control some depression which goes beyond the brain to the heart where you feel you are left alone.
As a result of depression many have lost their lives and marriages are broken as well relationships have come to an end.
Me as me I have failed with depression because it has caused more Damage in my life and i just end up asking myself what i wilm do to end this kind of stressful depression

Anonymous said...

How do u really know when yrs depressed asking for muself

Anonymous said...

Depression and anxiety is no laughing matter. Not only have I had them both since my early teens now almost 40 but my 16 year old daughter does as well. She has had both for almost 7 years and it is hard. We both know mostly how to handle things but there are just those days where we shut down and shut out everyone and everything. She also has panic attacks that I wish I knew more about. As sad as that is being her mother there is still some learning to that for me. Please help those in your family who don’t understand try. There are people out there just like you and there are people who give great advice on the matter. I only wish i know now back then and maybe things would have been alittle earlier for me. I pray everyday that she can get through it and to the next day

Unknown said...

I also suffer from it I think cause...when I feel sad Nd have to much anxiety I jst eat clay soil Nd now I realised tht it's killing me cause I now suffer from low blood...my blood level was 5.3 Nd it is very bad...I'm not happy so I find d my happiness in eating tht clay soil...

Anonymous said...

You misrepresent what happened. Robin ended his life because he was struggling with a form of dementia. Depression did not play a part. For the record, people with tertiary education or great success are an exponentially higher risk of suicide with various illnesses as they understand the expected outcome.

Tony J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tony J. said...

I have suffered my entire life with mental illness. I have met many people in my situation. Awareness is very important but also some of these poor people have suffered for many years and they are not going to feel better at all. It is NOT our decision to force people to stay alive for whatever reason. I never met Robin Williams so I cannot judge but I hate his fans who despise him since he took his own life.

Unknown said...

I deal with depression on a daily basis. I don't have anyone helping me though it. I have to help myself through it. I know how Robin Williams felt. He was a good actor and a hell of a comedian. I have days where I want to do the same thing he did but I think about what my son would think.

Henrik W said...

Lewy Body Disease. He did not suffer from depression in later life. Recognizing different diagnosis correctly is INCREDIBLY important, so please don't misuse his name to spread incorrect information. Even it is for a great cause.

Teresa said...

I can relate because I've been battling depression for years now. I good days and bad days.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I've been through it and got help for it

Unknown said...

I've read most of the comments on this illness I lived with PDST. I WORKED FOR GOVERNMENT,AND IVE SEEN things& done things with my job.one day it came out.the nitemares we're so vivid,,,my past was back .all the stuff id,done and remorse,was really painful,I don't sleep much I thought everyone felt the way I felt.i seen a couple of doctors about my mental health, I'm very sick, but I've got a better understanding,what was wrong with me...mental health can effect,anybody..@ anytime..I feel for all the people who, Left comments about there illines,but be proud because your strong,,and still alive to reach out and let others know there not Alone.im glad God gave us a purpose to live life too our kids ect please reach out, to anybody that suffers, because they feel alone...yes meds help..but you still need support from FAMILY & friends..tony sappier retired doggman.

Anonymous said...

The world is cruel.this is the last message before i kill myself today. So long world

Unknown said...

Yes, your so right..any spells,is just nuts to think about what there saying..there's no cure for mental health

mariafreedommaria said...

The silence illness that only each one are suffer it knows the painful and sadness illnes you only can feel

Anonymous said...

I was at my worst stage of depression when Robin ended his life. That same time I had been battling anxiety, tremors, panic attacks, hypoglycemia, severe allergies,stress, then suicidal thoughts when my marriage fell apart.

Everytime I wanted to end my life, I just held on to the picture of my kids who were still studying and just knelt down in my room and surrendered all to God and kept sobbing.
I had been seeing my Psych, took my meds regularly but I didnt get better. Then I tried to join my basketball buddies twice or thrice week again.
My faith and regular prayers with the almighty, regular exercise, few family and friends support slowly improved my situation in just two months. I must say that prayers and exercise helped me most.
I was able to taper down my meds and psych visits and stuck to prayers, exercise, reached to people around my business, relatives and friends more.

Anonymous said...

I don't know my case is depression or other dilemma. But when it come my heart feel beat faster and my brain can not think properly and myself begin to fidget. I can't sleep properly due to my mind didn't stop to think. Is this caused by depression?

Lost soul said...

I'm bi polor have major anxiety and constantly up and down depressed, nothing is fun about it esp having to pretend everything is ok because it's mot one bit, I love my family and friendsore then they will ever know and would do anything for them with a fake smile on my face, but deep down I'm drowning in my own thoughts and feelings wanting out. It's no fun at all but it is what it is, I have good days and bad days as long as I hsve my peeps I'll be ok I hope . IM NOT CRAZY, IM SAD THERE IS A DIFFERENCE, I DONT FTEAK OUT SND KEEP GOING BY CHOICE, MY MIND IS TWO ONE GOOD ONE BAD, I CANT SMILE REAL CUZ I FEEL NOTHING IS REAL, I CRY WHEN DUPPISED TO BE HAPPY, I FIND HUMOR IN RESLLY NOTHING, IM NOT MEAN I SWESR I JUST CANT SMILE AT YOU, I DONT GO OUT TO NEW PLACES OREET NEW PEOPLE CUZ I AM AFRAID OF NRE AND THE JUDGING6 VBUT I AM ME I AM ALIVE I AM LOVEABLE I AM LONELY I AM ME

Anonymous said...

This kind of dis order was suffering you for not sleeping,always thinking,sad moments of the the past,your deep inside emotion that is always Been there and you have to let it out,your hearing things inside of you and seeing things not been there ,colors that you have to wipe and see but it's not.Smell that really bad but it's not to others.
All of this was my journey for being this kind of dis order at 2015,for almost 2months and I rememberm Mothersday I spend my time in that hospital ,,my husband is visiting every week.
That's why thank you for my husband that alawys been there to me no matter what and he's family.
For being inside the hospital I really o don't know who I am for being kept there I realize that I'm sick,and always pray to the Lord Jesus that heal me ,give me strength to get through this dis kind of order,many things was are happen fora reason.thats why
here now Strong women ,love your self,love your family,spread the Jesus of Love,
Thank you☺️.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with your Beliefs. All of us have these so called some are just in darkness being with doing Alcohol or Drugs. In God The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and through his Son Jesus Christ we are healed and Saved. When in darkness you will not choose life everyone that takes the life has no Desire to live everyone has thought of death but the Stronger ones desire Life and with Jesus even more so. Gods Angels wish they could be Humans. Not downing your way of thinking just do not agree. Have a Nice Long Life. Matthew 5:44

Anonymous said...

Whoever said they were going to kill themselves today anonymously a few comments ago, please don’t do it. As long as there is life there is hope for a better tomorrow. I’m praying for all those going through these things!! God bless you all.

Diamondineedtea said...

Order your CBD products from me now totallifechanges.com/diamondscott

I am Hope said...

Blessings I am Hope I have been where most are & I have a daughter that has struggled with this & has tried & wanted to die on many occasions however because I am spiritually grounded this no longer has control over me nor my daughter & I now know that all of the things I’ve gone through personally & with my daughter was not in vain & has led me to becoming a life coach with an emphasis on spiritual wellness...you are never alone please reach out to me or someone you trust this is a spiritual battle & we have the victory!!!

Help said...

Please don't..i opened this link today just to reach you and tell you it will be well soon....please give your life another chance

Help said...

Please email me..akajagbory@gmail.com

Priscilla M. Joyner said...

Anonymous,Because this world is cruel, you do not have to kill yourself. Jesus loves you and you are a child of God. Whatever you are going through, God Is Bigger than any any problem, situation, sickness, or disease, and He has the power to heal, deliver, and set you free. All you have to do is trust Him. Ask, and He will answer, Seek, and you shall find, Knock, and the door shall be open.God is with you, you are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Please reconsider. I promise you wont regret it! Every soul is beautiful and, there is something better headed your way. I dont know you but, I Love you! I'm here for you!

Anonymous said...

I used to suffer a lot with depression. Was on medication for a bit, but I didn’t want to get addicted to the meds. So I eased myself off it as I started self hypnosis. It’s worked wonders. Sketching writing down your feelings gardening really help. Yoga and breathing exercises keep you grounded.

Positive life said...

Depression and Anxiety tends to take a toll on very highly stressful work environments and highly demanding situations .It also affects people who ha e experienced a loss of family or friend and financial situations .
The best form of fighting stress is to ensure very balanced eating habits and lots of exposure to sunlight .And refrain from alchohol and drug usage .And a very active workout fitness routine schedule and mediation and yoga .

Mark Lazarcheff said...

Somewhere Jordan Peterson talks about shrooms and depression

Mark Lazarcheff said...

Somewhere Jordan Peterson talks about shrooms and depression

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest. No one really cares if you kill yourself. It neither makes nor breaks anyone else's life. If you were set on doing it, you would have done it by now. The fact is you need attention. That is not a bad thing, we all crave it. But we don't all threaten to kill ourselves in order to get it. My advice for what it is worth is to put or shut up. Either way, live or die, only YOU can take personal responsibility. Let us know how it turns out. Or not.

Mark Lazarcheff said...


Anonymous said...

P.s. Fuck Robin Williams. He took the easy way out. Try living, that's the challenge my friend.

Anonymous said...

My husband from being a perfect had a couple of tuff situations, has ever since has been suffering from depression for 14 years and has been on the worst possible allopathic medication for years, and is not helping, my children and I have had to deal with alot in many different situations with him, if I could get direction to help better our life I would much appreciate it.Thank you

Unknown said...

Whatever happens to us let us not put the blame on God. Let us always believe that He is a compassionate God. If you believe that you are a child of God, believe also that He truly cares about you. God cares for us more than we care for ourselves.

Read more: http://bit.ly/FightDepressionWithGod


Anonymous said...

Good people unfortunately I'm going through severe stress now, however my best way is just to walk or Express my feelings in a extremely harsh emotions, ot workes for me I've seen it

Mark Lazarcheff said...

This is something that has hovered on the edge of my mind every day. I want to create a facility where we can all help others who have tapped dance with the darkness. The loneliness epidemic is here now and our older and younger citizens are affected by loneliness with respect to what’s my self worth in the world.
? My plan starts with the 5Fs: operation Fit, Fun,Friends, Family, and Faith? There are sub categories like urban farming, fine tuning golf for pga hope and golden age games plus ax elder games. I want HBOT for all electro magnetic pulse nutrient and playlet therapy. Disabled vets who want a mission helping others fight back against the darkness come participate. I have a wonderful director of marketing. Needs ops person sassy old person who looks good on YouTube? Stay tuned? If I can find the strength to sit for long enough and my brain slows down, I will put together business plan? Calling it the Suicide Brigade for all of us who have struggled and won against the darkness to help others fight against this impending crisis with loneliness?

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, Robin had Lewy Body Dementia. Not the classic depression that leads to suicide. Thanks

Axellixa said...

May I ask you a question .. whose Doctor I ask regarding depressions,is that a psychologist?

Anonymous said...

Have been experiencing anxiety/panic attacks the last few months. Having one right now. Almost completely debilitating. If you are too hang in there. Talk about it with someone close or even a complete stranger. This too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

Such a cruel and judgmental post regarding the late Robin Williams. We were not privy to his personal life and struggles.

Anonymous said...

Lewy Body Dementia. We loved Robin, my friend Bert knew him personally. I didn't. Please be more accurate. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I am also suffered or still scarred about panic attacks.. i overcome it but still doubts. Beter we intract to people and make us busy.. and main point doesn't do drugs and alcohol
An army man ��

Mary McElwee Olkowski said...

We are nothing without God. Whenever there's a falling from God, confusion, chaos, disaster, war and famine have ALWAYS followed as witnessed all the way back to the first written recordings. Unfortunate when God is no longer embraced.

Pride is the first sin that entered into reality when Eve chose for self over doing the will of God, her Creator/Father. Pride is the cause for the effects of paradise lost. Humility is the perfection of love/charity/paradise. Pride is self-serving/self-fullness/nether world.

Neither humility nor pride can have share in a same given moment or space in time. One by God given power of freewill chooses between one state or the other; just as will be our choice between Heaven vs Hell for our end. As the image of the yin and yang, black and white, both exist but neither have share in same space.

Our time on earth is our trial to choose for God/Heaven, or Pride/Hell were love no longer exists. Heaven is not a given. One must desire out of greater love for God to loose pride/self-fullness in order to have entrance into Heaven for all eternity. this is our journey. I think of age as God's gentle embrace, God's way of helping one to loose attachment to the things of this self-full-filling material world and draw closer to Him.

Let go and let God and find peace of mind and soul. We are all helpless sinners in need of Love/God. God gave us the Ten Commandments, not because He needed them but to show us the Way to live in peace and in happiness. Read through the Ten Commandment and see the connection between pride vs humility.

Overall as suggested in this post we all need and want to be loved but we can do nothing without first embracing God. When in a crowd for example, note, one can see the love of God within all. At the same time knowing well the interior struggle of pride, a reality we all struggle with. Choose to see the love/God within all and have share in the space of humility/charity. Let God take care of the other side/space. Pray for lost souls as we are all in need of prayer.

Tasha said...

Depression is not a disease you don't have to take medication.But you have to plant a mixture seeds in your mind grow it up. Those seeds are,self confidence, I am not alone in the world, I can do it one day I will succeed, positivity, learning to ignore criticism, looking at yourself as your are and not in somebody else's garb. Accepting the reality and truth. Culvating interesting past time
activities that you have a flair for doing it.
Example writing poetry, photography, videograpy, blogging and even gardening. Sharing your thoughts with a few good friends, sitting friends sipping coffee.All these activities take you away from your idle mind. As it's said idle mind is devil's work shop. Reading makes you perfect. Even spiritual belief and activities can heal your mind. Even Helping the deserve. Strike a balance between both aspects.

Darnell Marine Corps 1 said...

Being an eight year Marine Corps during peace time but performing stresssful assignments not completely knowing my family medical history being the product of extreme fraudulent adoption procedures enlisting in the Marine Corps became a negative in my life instead of a postive not knowing my family mental history caused me to perform well during my first tour what I didnt realize was the pressure from the first tour which nothing was documented rolled over into my last tour which I didn't complete completely due to a mental break down. What I don't understand is being a United States Marine Corps Vet. Come come O qulify for Social Security and not Service Connected Disability ?. When I didn't go into the Marine Corps like this. Who do you know stayed in the Marines eight years or more and came out Ok !. Alright ?. All I've been trying to do is get what I have earned.

Ministerio Senda de Paz said...

Pain that never leave, being a reject the ugly the one who nobody wants to be around. I am a shadow of tears but really who cares.

Unknown said...


ROBIN died accidentally from auto-erotic asphyxiation. As did the actor Carradine. Robin's trousers were all the way down, he was semi nude when he was found hung from the doorknob. This was in the coroner's report. Mr. Williams had even made a film that dealt with auto-erotic asphyxiation, in the movie he discovered his son dead exactly from this and in the same position. Very weirdly coincidental to the actual death.

Given how beloved Robin Williams was worldwide and especially locally in Tiburon, the circumstances of his death were covered up out of shame. Robin was in an alienated marriage with his wife. She slept in a different room than he and did not even CHECK on him at night, or in the morning before she left the house. All of these being very odd factors, but would have contributed to him pleasuring himself alone. Tragically it went wrong. Auto-erotic asphyxiation is a real sexual phenomenon that some practice and is extremely dangerous as there is no one around to revive the individual if he or she lapses into unconsciousness from lack of oxygen.

Unknown said...

Some things people are afraid to admit hope the world takes notice

Steven said...

Unless you have been to that point where you are ready to end your life you can have no earthly idea of what it takes to actually go through with it. I have (I took nearly 2,000 mg of morphine) and I am lucky to be here to say it was the absolute hardest thing I have ever done.

As you ready yourself you begin to think of all the things you will be giving up. Your family, children, friends, things yoh like to do, sunrises and sunsets, rain and thunderstorms, fall leaves changing colors, all the things you love to see, do, hear, taste. Then you think about the hurt you will cause. How those that love you will wonder if it was because of something they said or did; if they should have seen or noticed something about your behavior; then the pain of your absence.

Then you tell yourself it's for the best; you know the path you are on will only result in more pain, anger, destruction; so you know you have to do it.

You crush the pills (63 of them) into a powder so they will dissolve faster, but that makes them harder to swallow. You have done some research and found that drinking some Nyquil beforehand helps reduce the likelihood of vomiting the pills back up. You swallow them. Your body naturally tries to force them back out but by keeping a hand firmly over your mouth you keep them down. Now, it is done. Quickly, one last check to make sure you've taken care of everything. Letters to your kids. Instructions regarding your affairs. Life insurance policies (yes, it covers suicide), vehicle and bank papers, keys, wallet, important papers, etc all in a box on the kitchen counter.

Time to lay down and go to sleep.

13 hours later you feel like you are coming up from deep under water to a dim but brightening light. You are vaguely aware of voices and activity around you. The light goes out.

You awaken again. You veins feel as if they are filled with burning gasoline. You can trace exactly where each one is by the burning. Sleep.

Awake again. Veins still afire, not quite as bad. You hear doctors talking. You were blue and you're respirations were 3 per minute when they found you, you were also foaming at the mouth. They aren't sure you'll make it and if you do you will have brain damage due to lack of oxygen. Sleep.

Awake. Burning mostly gone. In restraints because you kept pulling IVs out while yelling let me die. (Doctors spoke to your mother and she told them that if he wants to go that badly, maybe we should let him. How that must have pained her.) In fact you broke out of one set of restraints and tore your rotator cuff while doing so.

After 3 days of nearly constant sleep you are alive, but very weak. Doctors are astounded that you have no brain damage. You have a new lease on life because there is no physical or medical reason that you should be alive. God still has plans/chores for you here on earth; one of those chores is to tell idiots like you, Anonymous, coward that won't even use your name; that taking ones own life is not THE EASY WAY OUT. Living is actually very easy except when things like clinical depression and other mental illnesses get in the way.

You would do well to keep your cowardly pie hole shut about suicide being easy "my friend", because when I hear someone utter those words...they do not leave my presence in a happy state of mind.

By the way, when you use 4 letter words in a public forum you demonstrate yourself as having the intelligence of the stuff that drops from the south end of a north bound donkey.

Baby said...

Praise God!! Depression is not of God, it comes from the enemy of our soul. It is a spirit. The only way to be free of it is surrendering yourself to God, and ask for healing. Pray without ceasing. Surround yourself around christia8and believers who can pray with you. Godly counsel is also better then seeing doc8who will just pump you up with medication doe depression that ha e many aide affects. I get depressed about my kids every so often, I just cry to God as well as listen to my gospel and Christian music. Being in God's presence helps me to not stay in that pit of depression. I pray for those who go through this will find the peace of God.❤��

Anonymous said...

I still don't truly understand it but I have been going through it for over 30yrs I am now 40 my most recent unsuccessful suicide was just 6)17/19 I am suffering from bipolar and anxiety and I am fighting hard to deal with it and stay stable for my children,every suicide attempt I don't even remember doing it and why would I because I want to live I have 6 children and 2 grandchildren been holding down the same job for over 14 yrs I just get overly whelmed and stressed I guess and just snap into another world and every time I was ressusatated and back to reality yes everyone was upset with me and bagged away from me (family) which I needed the most which kept me in a depressing state and I still am I'm not mad at them I be more madder at myself than they be I don't understand it or why I can't shake it or why do I even harm myself knowing I have alot to live for but anyway I'm just going to keep praying for me and everyone else who deals with mental issues

Denna said...

Depression was not why he took his own life. Do your research before posting.

Anonymous said...

IT WAS NOT DEPRESSION that led Robin Williams to Suicide. He has a Lewy Body Dementia (a MEDICAL debilitating BRAIN DISEASE). Anyone that circulates this type of Meme is doing a disservice for those that suffer from Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks, which are curable psychological diseases that need professional help. There are many factors, including addiction and childhood trauma, which contribute these mental illnesses. In addition, there can be undiagnosed disorders in the brain (physical and psychological). You also can't assume you know someone's life and experiences because of the words they tell you, especially if depressed because their perceptions are skewed. When you start to play Doctor and Therapist, you do that person a disservice and are selfishly trying to fulfill some need of your own. Refer them to professionals.

Anonymous said...

Mark, where would you open this facility? I am a survivor of depression and anxiety. I no longer am bothered by either one. Through years of suffering I have learned many things about how to deal with mental illness. I feel I could be an asset to your Suicide Brigade. It sounds like a worth while cause. Not fond of the name Suicide Brigrad, to me it sounds too negative. But that's just me. I would like to hear more about your plans. Come up with a good business plan and file for a grant to help you get started. Please contact me via FB under the name Jeanie Kuehn
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Reality said...

Growing a garden or have little children??!! When ur suffering from depression of the worse kind, u don't have the motivation nor energy to want to "grow a garden"....the other post said u can be re-wires & off meds for yrs & yrs....No...sounds like Tom Cruise syndrome, once your neurotransmitters are screwed up, from meds or just life issues, u pretty much are goin to need some type of meds. Also there is the double whammy- having genetic depression, then on top of that horrible things happen to u & u have no support system, no one wants to listen, toxic people tell u your complaining & tell u to go get help, therapists are the worst!

Reality said...

Stress is literally the worst thing for your body, chronic stress will deplete your ability to cope with stress after a while. Your adrenals will shut down. Don't stress about things u cannot control..for real.

joan1943@btinternet.com said...

"Depression, panic attacks, trauma, anxiety" etc..... I am so sorry, not to offend anybody, but I simply do not understand any of these to be perfectly honest...?
I was born with severe skin disorder and asthma, rushed to a secure specialist hospital that used to be a Victorian Workhouse in S E.London where all sorts of traumatic experiences occurred, never to be forgotten even now.
Add that to the fact, that, I was an orphan, dumped into an institution then spent my entire childhood (16 years) trying to survive and protect myself from an evil, bent and corrupt system that merely exploited and programmed the vulnerable into strict disciplne, just like myself...?
"Anxiety, panic attacks, trauma, depression....? I must have gone through all of those symptoms without ever knowing what they were or called having absolutely nobody to turn to,no protection, no advisory outlets, no councillors, no paediatricians, no police, no M.P's......nobody, I was on my own, trying to survive being dumped in draconian institution on the edge of Dartmoor, behind closed doors, where nobody can hear you cry yourself to sleep having constantly been beaten with a horse whip (riding crop) merely for being a child that was just "different" as to all the others (58)
I had nothing, I was on my own, I had to survive, I had no choice, I had a torrid time, no point in expressing anything like this to others..... they just won't believe you (most of them don't want to)
I am now 66 years old...... I am having the time of my life as a free man, super confident that nothing or nobody can or will ever give me the same grief.
My childhood "trauma, anxiety, depression" etc developed myself into the man I am today..... I have never been happier as every day is a bonus. ❤️

Unknown said...

There is just one problem with this. Robin Williams ended his life due to the effects of Lewy Body Dementia. You are disseminating misinformation.

Detalles said...

There are so many of us feeling so lonely in this situation. And have created or own eye to stay strong..
If there’s one thing I feel the must is the pain in my throat when I can just cry in silence and the complications of not breathing good. But have to stay strong for the good sleep of my love ones

Reality said...

What does the grammar have to do with people suffering immensely? Robin Williams chose not to be a burden perhaps to his family?? All I know is DO NOT toy with people by saying they want attention, that's what I said about my nephew then found him hanging in the garage. Shame

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt wish this on anyone. The feelings of dispare, hopelessness, and being trapped.I can deal with the depression most days thanks to my doctor. Panick Attacks are debilitating, and although are better with my medication, the anxiety follows me around like an ominous shadow of doom.

Anonymous said...

I went thru depression and anxiety attacks for several months my life was spiraling out of control. I didn't want to admit that I was depressed. The day I decided to take my life. I knew I needed help, I thank GOD that I did.. My life has improved for the better.

Anonymous said...

Like Robin sometimes the only way out is suicide

Reality said...

Do not agree with anything u wrote. I am well-off with a closet full of designer clothes, a dream home & I don't have anything to complain about, & I don't have an insecurities. Depression & Anxiety IS a disease, some have it more severe than others, I no longer want to leave my bedroom, & I don't know why, I've tried ALL therapies, my grandmother killed herself, so it's def genetic. But I know from my own experience it's not something u can just conquer.

Woodsy said...

There is a person on here that is saying he is going to end his life. We need to help and find him before it is to late.
If u r reading this my fellow alost soul. U r not alone. I know the kind of peace u r seeking. Just try to take one minute at a time and there can be help for u.
Please hang in there for just one more day. Giving up and letting go are not the answer. You are so brave for posting this.
There is your own history. No one can understand. The professionals can not be allowed to label you and put u in a jar.
I believe in you and am in the fight. I am taking your hand.
Please hold on...

Woodsy said...

There is a person on here that is saying he is going to end his life. We need to help and find him before it is to late.
If u r reading this my fellow alost soul. U r not alone. I know the kind of peace u r seeking. Just try to take one minute at a time and there can be help for u.
Please hang in there for just one more day. Giving up and letting go are not the answer. You are so brave for posting this.
There is your own history. No one can understand. The professionals can not be allowed to label you and put u in a jar.
I believe in you and am in the fight. I am taking your hand.
Please hold on...

Reality said...

I'd like to see your copy of the Coroners report, your posting anonymously, your post is completely a grain of salt without evidence. It's proven he was depressed for yrs, he said it on late night talk show.

Anonymous said...

It's important to remember that Robin's suicide was not caused by depression, but as a result of Lewys Body Dementia.


Reality said...

Not sure how to practice auto-erotic asphyxiation on your own!

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