My brother also passed on and he was my rock .... he grounded me when I went astray and we had a wonderful bond. I also had another brother who died many years ago and I miss them both. As children, I use to think I could not wait till we all left home so I could take them off my list! Low and behold we discovered we could not live without each other as there was an underlying love that only siblings can share.
My brother is in heaven and there is not a day that hoes by I wish he was with me.
My brother also passed on and he was my rock .... he grounded me when I went astray and we had a wonderful bond. I also had another brother who died many years ago and I miss them both. As children, I use to think I could not wait till we all left home so I could take them off my list! Low and behold we discovered we could not live without each other as there was an underlying love that only siblings can share.
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