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Sunday, November 9, 2014
Family time is important.
Never forget - Family time is important. Don't wait until it's too late.
Richard Weldon
Your Post said something about a contest, please give me some information on it.My wife took my son from me when he was two years old, but after thirty years I finally found him! I can think of nothing else but to see him, however I do not know when I will be able to afford it.I live in Oregon, and he is in New Hampshire. Thank you.
Your Post said something about a contest, please give me some information on it.My wife took my son from me when he was two years old, but after thirty years I finally found him! I can think of nothing else but to see him, however I do not know when I will be able to afford it.I live in Oregon, and he is in New Hampshire. Thank you.
I would love to know if Richard Weldon was able to reunite with his son. His comment was touching and sad at the same time.
just curious.
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