Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sometimes We All Need To Cry

Sometimes a good cry is just what
you need to release all the hurt
you have built up inside.


Anonymous said...

SO true! Also good for the body internal organs!

Anonymous said...

Tears shed are not of self pity, but mostly of sorrow, emotional pain & confusion. we cant be strong all the time....we weren't made that way.

Unknown said...

i cry all the time im 43 yrs old today and as far back as i can remember i cried as a child i have also had a old soul and i life so full of sorrow regret and pain shame and guilt for so many mistakes:( i ask god everyday to help me be a better mother grandmother daughter & wife!! i now take one day at a time i lost my dad last year and i can truly say i have never felt such hurt & sorrow that i still cant breathe to this very day :( also lost dear loved ones i never thought would die :( now i spend my days so scared of how fast life can change begging God for enough time see my children and grandchildren grow up and chris & i grow old :) im so crying right now as my mind plays back old memories i miss so much kathy fox

Anonymous said...

Kathy, I used to be just like you. I cried and worried all of the time. My doctor prescribed Zoloft and along with that I put my faith in God. Everytime I start to worry about the future or cry about the past, I speak out loud, to God and tell Him to please take care of my problems, because I can't let them consume me. It really works!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous. September 21, 2013
3.33 AM
I have lost 4 of my 5 children in a period between 2006 and 2011. My dear brother in 2010 in a farming accident.
My parents are in heaven with my dear sister who passed at 20 yrs.
I have no answer for the heart break.I try to tell my self they are in a better place

Anonymous said...

this is so beautiful