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Sunday, September 15, 2013
Respect For Siungle Dads
A Father who raises a children on his own is nothing short of a hero.
He is not only an amazing man, he is also the perfect role model for his children.
Respect for Single Dads everywhere
Ever since I lost my husband I noticed how often there are well deserved words of praise for single fathers but how few times single mothers are recognized with the same words of praise.
Single fathers dont get enuff praise...my husband was killed 15yrs ago and i raised my children by myself...and tha majority of single parents are mothers...and thats all i hear single moms this single moms that...yes were tha baccbone and support system..bt single dads dnt get their fair shake and i kno plenty that go through tha same things as single women..BIG UPS TO SINGLE DADS RAISING THEIR KIDS ND ANY MAN ACTIVELY IN HIS KIDS LIVEZ....
Ever since I lost my husband I noticed how often there are well deserved words of praise for single fathers but how few times single mothers are recognized with the same words of praise.
Single fathers dont get enuff praise...my husband was killed 15yrs ago and i raised my children by myself...and tha majority of single parents are mothers...and thats all i hear single moms this single moms that...yes were tha baccbone and support system..bt single dads dnt get their fair shake and i kno plenty that go through tha same things as single women..BIG UPS TO SINGLE DADS RAISING THEIR KIDS ND ANY MAN ACTIVELY IN HIS KIDS LIVEZ....
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