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Saturday, August 17, 2013
My Children ~ I Will Be There
To My Children.
If you need me, just call me. I don't care if I'm sleeping, If I'm angry with you or if i'm having my own problems. Just Call Me. I will always be there for you, no matter how big or small your problem is - I will be there.
I will always love my children no matter what life brings I love you my pride and joys♥
I well always love my children , but since they have grown up they have turned there back on me because I tell them the truth but I love them always love always there mother zella McCoy...
I will always love my children no matter what life brings I love you my pride and joys♥
I love my children unconditional
I well always love my children , but since they have grown up they have turned there back on me because I tell them the truth but I love them always love always there mother zella McCoy...
I love my kids to the stars and beyond
I love my children more than anything and they know if they ever need me I will be there for them xx
I love what god gave me and the fact that he made me a care taker "parent". I'm grateful 2 the All Mighty for my blessings.
Very blessed and grateful to God for the Greatest gift of my life, my Son!
I love my children more than anything. I thank god for them everyday. I will always love them and protect them.
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