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And try andtry
better say nothing at all, we know you slept around, living a lie don't make it right, but when you have told the lie and lived the lie for so long you believe your telling the truth. Your a discusting cheating lying whore and yes you are Old.
I wish I could learn to keep silent...........................
Oooo my goodness!!
still fighting that battle?hoping for a win this time?i wish peace for you all.
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And try andtry
better say nothing at all, we know you slept around, living a lie don't make it right, but when you have told the lie and lived the lie for so long you believe your telling the truth. Your a discusting cheating lying whore and yes you are Old.
I wish I could learn to keep silent...........................
Oooo my goodness!!
still fighting that battle?
hoping for a win this time?
i wish peace for you all.
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