Friday, June 28, 2013

Those Friends We Love As Family

We all have those special people in our lives...
You know, those special friends we love as family.

I just wanted to say thank you for being in my life and for
showing me that family is not just about blood.
It's about trust, honesty, love and respect.


Christine said...

I could not pass up the opportunity to dedicate this to my true friend, PEP, who I truly love , she's not perfect I'm not perfect and we like that about each other, after
40 years of living in each others life, no fair weather, fighting and figuring out why we fought she's better than most of my family she is my FRIEND

Tonoa Jenkins Johnson said...

To my sister , BFF ,my baby G-mom, ride or die partner for over 40 years I Love you girl,, I was down sick 11 days and you was right here helping a sister out and I appreciate and Love you for that. I Just want to say Thank You ----> Tonoa Jenkins Johnson again May God continue to Bless you,, Call on me through thick and thin our freiendship (sistership) will never end, when you are weak I will be strong helping you to carry on so Just Count on Count on Me.... Love you sister