Friday, June 7, 2013

The Key To A Happy Life

Keep your heart free from hate and
your mind free from worry.
Give much and expect little from others.
Live simply and fill your life with love.
Treat others how you expect to be treated.
Treasure your family and friends.
This is the key to happiness


Anonymous said...

I know this is how to live but it is hard to do....your heart starts to harden along the way and this is one thing God does not want....please Lord help our Love for all people even when things go bad. Help us all to be strong in spirit and your love not the worlds way. Forgive us of our weakness and show us you guidence.

Anonymous said...

I have a heart of pure love,but at times i just need to be still and let God do his work ,especially when there is things in life that i don;t understand.

brownsheart said...

Beautyful word on marbels

Anonymous said...

hahaha i heard you.

Anonymous said...

I can totaly relate to what you share. god bless you!

Unknown said...

True that

Anonymous said...

I know i need help with that

Anonymous said...

All of this is so true & I believe is the way God wants us to live our lives. I don't believe that people can be truly happy with hate & worry & fear in our hearts & minds. I just fill my heart with love. Worry is hard to avoid, and fear is also hard to conquer, but I just try to give it all to God & let Him work it out. The golden rule is just that,, it's the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

My heart is full of hate and my mind is full of worry. Please help me to remove that....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sell dope!

Anonymous said...

Do u have to be so ignorant and selfish towards peoples feelings. Obviously if u suggest selling dope u must be takin it so your probly flying on cloud 9 with it. Normal people as hard as it does be face there worrys and trust god wit life. They don't distract themselfs wit drugs and still someday have to deal with the problems and have many other peoples lives destroyed along the way. I've seen a lot of people like that. God will learn them. As for the 1st anonymous may god bless you and help soften your heart and free it from all hatred and help u love again. May he also free your mind of worry and give u the peace- of mind and peace-of heart that u need. Sometimes when we go through hard times and worry for a long time it causes us to feel angry towards everything and causes hatred. Trust in god and u will see good things to come. When god doesn't answer your prayers straight away he is just increasing your patience and seeing how strong your faith is. May god bless you and protect u ...amen

Anonymous said...

I have found a way to bring you to a place of true bliss love
patience grace and spirituality.Its pray and fast. It truly works.
I can guide you if you really need this.

Anonymous said...