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That's why we shouldn't be so stupid, now you want to know what bullshit to believe stupid ass
I'm like u I have a quick reaction to bullshit too, I have no time for stupid stuff, etc, etc, etc do u no what I mean. This world we live in is full of crazy people
You know what I just say kiss my ass, that's why I don't have time for bullshit either
Im tired of bull shit in my life
my temper gets me in trouble
How truee this
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That's why we shouldn't be so stupid, now you want to know what bullshit to believe stupid ass
I'm like u I have a quick reaction to bullshit too, I have no time for stupid stuff, etc, etc, etc do u no what I mean. This world we live in is full of crazy people
You know what I just say kiss my ass, that's why I don't have time for bullshit either
Im tired of bull shit in my life
my temper gets me in trouble
How truee this
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