Sunday, March 24, 2013

What Is family All About?

Isn't always about the people in you life
who are blood relations.
It's about the people in your life who
want you to be in theirs.
It's about the people in your life who accept
you for who you are, support you in the things
you choose to do and no matter what are there
for you. It's the people in your life who love you,
respect you and who you can depend on.

Now That's FAMILY.


Unknown said...

For all The people in my Life

Anonymous said...

for all those in my life I wish you all love and hapiness.

Anonymous said...

For all the people in my life who were not only blood related but those who were just like family made you feel welcomed, I just met someone last summer and I felt such warmth with them

Anonymous said...

Family is a word that means more than just immediate family!

Anonymous said...

For all the people in my life who loves me & understand me who ever am i

Jerri said...

To all my family here and afar that I love unconditionally including my Christian family.