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Missing mom&dad
miss you katelyn ..
miss dad real bad and mom
Missing my daughter Delrenee,my grandmother,and my dad,my uncle today marks 5years since my grandmothers passing!!! Luv u all dearly!!!!!
This month is going to be four years that I lost my son and it feels as a lifetime.
Marie Jan.23,2013 Miss and love you dad.
I miss my daughter, Tiffany and my granddaughter, ZaLexxia that were killed on September 3, 2012 in a car accident. Rest In Paradise My Two Beautiful Angels!!!Forever In My Heart!!
I miss my son Pat, my nephew John Everett, my mother,father and family. Miss all of them so much. Forever in my heart!!!!
RIP Dad 10/28/06
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Missing mom&dad
miss you katelyn ..
miss dad real bad and mom
Missing my daughter Delrenee,my grandmother,and my dad,my uncle today marks 5years since my grandmothers passing!!! Luv u all dearly!!!!!
This month is going to be four years that I lost my son and it feels as a lifetime.
Marie Jan.23,2013 Miss and love you dad.
I miss my daughter, Tiffany and my granddaughter, ZaLexxia that were killed on September 3, 2012 in a car accident. Rest In Paradise My Two Beautiful Angels!!!
Forever In My Heart!!
I miss my son Pat, my nephew John Everett, my mother,father and family. Miss all of them so much. Forever in my heart!!!!
RIP Dad 10/28/06
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