Tuesday, August 29, 2017

What Happens To Your Body After You Stop Smoking - Step By Step

Right now is a great time to quit smoking. Why? In as few as 20 minutes, you’ll start to feel the benefits. Here we break down the changes that occur in your body within minutes, hours, days, and even years of you kicking the habit. The health benefits of quitting today may surprise you.

1. Drop in heart rate 
(20 minutes after you quit)

The effects of quitting start to set in immediately. Within 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your heart rate will begin to drop back toward a normal level.

2. Decreased levels of CO in your body 
(12 hours after you quit)

Carbon monoxide, which can be toxic to the body at high levels, is released from burning tobacco and inhaled as part of cigarette smoke. Carbon monoxide bonds very well to blood cells, so high levels of the gas can prevent the cells from bonding with oxygen. The lack of oxygen in the blood often causes serious heart conditions and other health problems. In as few as 12 hours after quitting smoking, the carbon monoxide in your body decreases to lower levels. In turn, the amount of oxygen in your blood increases to normal levels.

3. Lowered risk of CAD 
(24 hours after you quit)

The risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) for smokers is 70 percent higher than for nonsmokers. It is the most common form of heart disease and the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. However, just one full day after quitting smoking, your risk for CAD will already begin to reduce. Your risk of having a heart attack also starts to decline. While you’re not quite out of the woods yet, you’re on your way!

4. Improvement in your smell and taste 
(48 hours after you quit)

It may not be life-threatening, but an inability to smell or taste well is one of the more obvious consequences of smoking. Once you quit smoking for 48 hours, your nerve endings will start to regrow, and your ability to smell and taste will improve. You’ll soon start to better appreciate the finer things in life.

5. Exercise with ease 
(two to three weeks after you quit)

Within three weeks, you’ll be able to exercise and perform physical activities without feeling winded. Stopping smoking for a couple of weeks gives your body time to regenerate and heal. Your blood circulation and heart function will improve significantly during this time. Your lungs may also begin to clear, allowing you to breathe more easily. For most smokers, withdrawal symptoms start to subside about two weeks after quitting.

6. Decreased coughing and shortness of breath 
(one to nine months after you quit)

After one month without cigarettes, the cilia inside your lungs will begin to repair. The cilia are the tiny, hair-like structures that push mucus out of the lungs. Once the cilia are able to do their job efficiently, they can fight off infection and clear the lungs more easily. With properly functioning lungs, your coughing and shortness of breath will continue to decrease dramatically. Your withdrawal symptoms will also go away completely within nine months after quitting. The length of time it takes varies depending on how long and how often you smoked before quitting.

7. Reduced risk of heart disease 
(one year after you quit)

The one-year mark is a big one. After a year without smoking, your risk for heart disease drops to half that of a smoker’s. This means that someone who smokes is more than twice as likely as you are to develop any type of heart disease.

8. Reduced risk of stroke 
(five years after you quit)

A wide array of toxic substances is released in the burning of tobacco. Over time, these substances cause your blood vessels to narrow, which increases your risk of having a stroke. After five to 15 years of not smoking, your risk of having a stroke is the same as that of a nonsmoker.

9. Reduced risk of lung cancer 
(10 years after you quit)

Smokers are at higher risk than nonsmokers for a daunting list of cancers. Lung cancer is the most common form of cancer that affects smokers. Smoking is a main cause of lung cancer and accounts for 90 percent of lung cancer deaths worldwide. It may take 10 years, but if you quit, eventually your risk of dying from lung cancer will drop to half that of a smoker’s. Ten years after quitting, your risk of getting other types of cancer also decreases.
10. Same risk of heart disease as nonsmoker (15 years after you quit)

Fifteen years after your last cigarette, your risk for heart disease will be at the same level as that of a nonsmoker. Your risk of developing other conditions, such as arrhythmia, will also be reduced to normal levels.

11. Long-term benefits of quitting

The long-term benefits of quitting smoking are significant and can increase life expectancy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nonsmokers live about 10 years longer than smokers. Quit today, and you may live those extra years with a functional heart and healthy lungs, allowing you to stay active and feel great.

12. Ready to quit?

Quitting smoking isn’t easy, but it’s definitely worth the struggle, and there are resources available to help you quit today. If you’re ready for the benefits of a smoke-free life, visit our Smoking Cessation Center for information on how to start on the path to quitting. Take advantage of the numerous articles and tools so you can stop smoking once and for all.

Please read this very important article and make positive change.


Unknown said...

I am a smoker and I Reed this until the end and I'm really going to try and stop smoking tomorrow will be my first day of being a non smoker thank-you so much for the information so that you can educate people about the dangers of smoking

Unknown said...

I am a smoker and I Reed this until the end and I'm really going to try and stop smoking tomorrow will be my first day of being a non smoker thank-you so much for the information so that you can educate people about the dangers of smoking

Milzy said...

I smoked for 48 years and stopped December 2015. Cold Turkey, early bed first days and break the habit to break the addiction. Been virtually 30 months now and it feels great. Fitter, breathe easier and a damn sight better off financially. Yes it's hard but stick at it, it's worth it. You may put weight on but that is far better than the risk posed by cigarettes.

Anonymous said...

What kind side effects do you have and are you crancky and what do you do to fight cravings

Anonymous said...

September 12 th it will be 8 months I quit smoking. Cold turkey after smoking for 49 years. I never thought I would quit. But just like I started I stopped. I feel so much better. My cough is gone and my smell and taste are more sensitive. I feel so much better already.

Anonymous said...

I use to smoke 80 a day and i was completely addictive but in december it will be 10 years since i stopped. Dont let people force you to quit as you wont suceed.you have to really want to quit then the battle is won.

Unknown said...

After being in relationship with Kevin for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don’t believe in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I met a spell caster called DR. UGO WONDERS and I emailed him. He told me there was no problem that everything will be okay, and that in two days, that my ex will return to me. after he cast the spell in 24 hours, surprisingly in the second day, around 4pm My ex called me. I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody who needs the help of this spell caster, his email is: generalspelltemple@gmail.com or his website : http://generalspelltemple01.webs.com CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS. once again you can contact him through any of the following means

Email : generalspelltemple@gmail.com

Website: http://generalspelltemple01.webs.com

Anonymous said...

I quit nine months ago it was really really hard, I'd smoked for forty one year's got to say I feel great except for I've put loads of weight on doing lots of exercise now including riding a mountain bike twenty miles twice a week not bad for a sixty-five year old even if I say so myself.

Paul said...

I smoked for42 years what stopped me was a diagnosis of lung disease.My advice is dont wait for that death sentence to quit.Do it now before its to late.The End.

Anonymous said...

Quit until wife asked gor divorce,was 3 yrs free, will quit again

Anonymous said...

6 years now not smoking yay ! Not easy to do I must say I stopped because of Heath problems which are many. Including 2. Heart attacks with in a month & sepsis ...... Lucky to survive both ... So give it it your best shot good luck.

Joroki0 said...

I have quit many times, for years at a time--one effect that is individual and I l is the recovery of taste and smell--I am 8 years again-- PLEASE don't wait for COPD, Emphysema, Bronchitis--- thinking these diseases only happen to others is a fools game --you can do it and there are many ways--do it for yourself-- I still get an urge once in a while but know it passes quickly and I will smoke more and DIE sooner--wish u all the best

Anonymous said...

Best article and feedback on the subject. This was very helpful.

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Shadows said...

Nicotine is found in tomatoes and many other fruits and vegetables. Out if every single chemical, nicotine is hands down the least dangerous. That said, I've been vaping for a year now and it got me fully off analog cigarettes. Best decision I've ever made.

Anonymous said...

Yup can do it,was a heavy snooker quit 6 years ag0

Anonymous said...

I quit october 9th and vaping really helped .i smoked for 30yrs and around 30 roll ups a day.i feel so much better and can do things now without wheezing and coughing..i have put on weight but im on it.never thought id kick it but i have

Anonymous said...

Gave up back in May 1990 and so pleased I did. Think about the money I have saved!!. Don't try and quit until you have definitely made a mental shift in your thinking to quit or it won't work.

Anonymous said...

How much does he charge you??

Anonymous said...

i smoked for 40 years was told to stop over 25 years ago
did i do what i was told no so yes i have copd. i could go any day. don't let it happen to you.

kristy said...

I gave up the year the smoking ban came in. I had no intention of stopping, but I went into hospital for 3 days for an op, and I haven't wanted one since, I feel sick at the thought of it. I still had issues on what to do with my hands ha ha, so I bought a Nintendo DS, and started brain training every day. I did start to feel the benefits after a few months.

Unknown said...

I smoked for 50 years. I wanted to quit but nothing would last so I had laser and have never touched a cigarette since. I am in year five and so proud of myself
. It doesn't matter how you do it just do it!!

Nina said...

I smoked for 37 years. On November 19th 2018 it will be 5 years for me. If I could do it anyone can

Unknown said...

Ismoked for 7 years im 24 years old and im from morocco by the way i saw people smoked +40 years ago in the com's so i decided to quit now 22 days without smoking wish me good luck

Unknown said...

Good for you

LiL said...

After smoking since I was 15 I stopped 11 years at 62 I was and my husband at 65 I was a habitual smoker and my husband was an addictive smoker I found it easy but my husband found it hard ,with a little help from the patches he hasn't had a ciggy since as I .Modt smokers need to be told that after a few days they craving will decrease and the urges go a way .We are both healthier and a lot richer !

Anonymous said...

I've been smoking for 54 years, have tried quitting many times with no luck today I am 3 days smoke free. I have a good friend battling lung cancer and it scared me.I dont ever want to smoke again 3 days strong

Anonymous said...

If anybody need help to stop smoking ask your Dr. for champix, it work so good ...

Lisa Bolger said...

My father smoked most of his teens & into adult life. He had heart surgeries, the last, the doctor found tributaries bringing blood to his heart instead of arteries & veins. He stopped smoking for 20 years before being diagnosed with small cell carcinoma stage 4 lung cancer. He passed away 3 months after being diagnosed. That was Oct 2010.
My mother never smoked in her life. She was diagnosed with small cell carcinoma stage 4 lung cancer. She passed away 3 months after being diagnosed. That was Oct 2014.

Anonymous said...

I quit smoking over 18 years ago .Unfortunately I have COPD Stage 2 I spent years not thinking about cigarettes .It was a shock because I was a non -smoker for so long .But the years I didn't smoke were good years. If you smoke stop if you can .

Anonymous said...

When I was put on oxygen + found out I had COPD + I finally quit smoking but it
didn't get better it was to late. Quit now!!!! I wish I never smoked or at least
quite years ago. You will be sorry if you don't. Quit + live while you can!!!!

Unknown said...

I quit 8 weeks ago. Helped by doctor with champix tablets. They worked for me I smoked for over 40 years

Anonymous said...

I quit 13 yrs ago after ending up in the hospital. Because of my smoking I now have COPD and quitting was the only option to which I’m fully committed. I smoked a pack a day for over 30 yrs and I’m so thankful for what I have today that I wouldn’t have if I didn’t quit. I have gotten to be a Mimi to beautiful granddaughters. It was hard to quit but I don’t miss it at all. Think of what you will miss out on if you continue. I’m 72 yrs young thanks to not smoking anymore.

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Unknown said...

I quite almost 9 years ago..feel much better

Anonymous said...

After many attempts I stopped 7years having been a smoker for 50 years.
I lift the money I would have spent on ciggies weekly and put it in a special box.This pays for my holidays and it's a great feeling to know that when the bill comes in the money is sitting in my wee box instead of being ash in the ashtray