I am a parent dear Lord.
Today I ask nothing from you for me. I pray only that in your mercy you would grant my children their needs. may their lives be long and healthy. May they achieve all their dreams. May they always live in a world that is free. May they be who they were born to be and may they never forget that they are deeply loved by me. |
very amazing and interesting post, thank you for sharing
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حكم واقوال
This is so beautiful my oldest oldest son is in jail suffering from schizophrenia he killed my father my daughter Eva suffers from bipolar she won't take her meds she don't want nobody meddling in her business and she hates me and my family beach due to that my brothers were selfish and didn't share nothing with the grandkids or mine that my children were the only ones that took care of my parents they help me raise them then I have my spoiled youngest son Adam that his wife has took over his mind and they told me both of them that they don't want nothing to do with my family and right now they can't have me in their in their lives right now and the only one that loves me and has helped me over the years is my oldest Eddie Rubio Jr and he's in jail and I'm alone out here because my siblings are being so mean to me for my son doing what he did but I'm not going to give up and I'm not here to judge the Lord is.
my 21 year old son suffers from scizoaffective and I'm trying my best to help him navigate through life with his illness and keep him safe and out of jail. but the system is failing us. and he is not accepting of help.
praying for everyone's peace, strength, comfort and healing in your hearts, minds, bodies and souls with faith through it all.
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