Monday, September 14, 2015

I will always need my Son, no matter what age I am

I will always need my Son, no matter what age I am. My son has made me laugh, made me proud, made me cry, seen me cry, hugged me tight, seen me fail, cheered me up, kept me on my toes, and at times driven me crazy, But my Son is a promise that
I will have a friend FOREVER!


Unknown said...

I love and need my son more than ever. He has always been there for me. And for this I am truly blessed. . I LOVE YOU BEYOND BELIEF JAY��������

Unknown said...

To my best friend. My son JAY

Unknown said...

I love you my son Mr. Mykel aka chino

Anonymous said...

Collin, my son has been there for me more than anyone could ever be for a Mother these past 5 months since I was diagnosied with Throat Cancer, I will never forget how much he has been there for me n helped me thru it especially during the really tough times!! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART, YOU ARE THE BEST!!! LOVE ALWAYS, MOM♥♥

Anonymous said...

I am very proud of my son Robert Werner and I love him with all that I am.❤️❤️❤️❤️

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

My 29 year old son passed suddenly 5-15-15 he was a mommas boy! I miss him more than words could ever explain!

Anonymous said...

I lost my 29yo son, Clint in an accident on 16/01/16. My heart is broken, I am no longer the person I was and life has little joy for me. I will always love my boy and cannot wait til the day we meet again.

Anonymous said...

I also will need my son forever, unfortunately, God had other plans for him. He passed at age 28 in an accident on a quad. Please drive/play responsibly. Missed so much and always loved Joey. Mom

Anonymous said...

Treasure your son(s). They are on loan to us from God. My son passed when he was 29 almost 5 years ago. He was my friend. Miss him immensely. His son helps fill the emptiness. Memory eternal

Anonymous said...

My son and I are going thru trials of change, but I feel certain that we will have a resolution. He's been my favorite child, my friendship child, a child of God, patience and perseverance. He's been strong when I am weak, playful when he laughs which I miss so much. I am sure God will bring us back together again, a little more wise, a little more understanding and forgiveness that will show us a path we can walk together again. I miss you so....

Anonymous said...

I too have lost my son on 17/3/16 aged 21. He had just became a father n he was so proud of hes little princess. I miss my boy so much the pain is at times unbearable but im so chuffed that a piece of him is still here in his daughter n im one lucky nanny to this precious princess. I luv u so much son not a day goes by that ur not thought of until we meet again my son love u big heaps much �� mum xxx

Unknown said...

I miss you my son living without you is breaking my heart every day.

mum71 said...

i lost my eldest son aged 320 14 years ago to CF and then my youngest son [aged 26] 10 years ago to cancer but I still love them dearly and miss them so much, the hurt doesn't go away.

Anonymous said...

Lost our son in 1994 and I'm still waiting for him to come home.

Unknown said...

I lost my son September 16, 2016 in an auto accident. He was only 20 years old. He left behind a fiancee and a 6 weeks daughter. He was my best friend and I couldn't have ask for a better son. I can't wait until the day Jehovah God resurrected him in paradise.

Anonymous said...

When God Bless Me With My only son David.. I cried at your birth,I cried your first day at school, BUT after all.I look back on my life of so much of abuse to three bad marriages.I thank God for giving Me that Son and now is a grown man that I love with until the very end.Mom love's you My baby My child.My Everything.David.

Anonymous said...

I have a son that is estranged from us. He is 25. It has broken my heart. I pray for him every day. I love him so. I haven't been the same. I will never be again. My heart, my mother heart, will never let him go. I am a mother to six other grown children. I love them all. I cherish being a mother. I trust God will heal the situation and my heart. God alone can change hearts and save. Seeking peace....

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you.

Unknown said...

My name is Sue and I am so sorry to all of you for your loss! I lost my son 9 years age 21 to a bad reaction to medication prescribed by his doctor along with other medications you cannot even take together but he only started the one and it took his life I still cant function I was start ing to do ok when on the 7th year anniversary of his passing one of his friends was here with us and he said yeah thats terrible what Amber and Julie did and I said what did they do and he said I will n ever talk to them again they were best friends Amber Jeremy my son and Julie she made me sick I was so angry I could not believe she left him to die and I said w hat I didn't know anyone was with him and he said omg I thought you guys knew a nd I said why didn't you tell us when it first happened he said I did not know you didn't know! So now its worse then it orignally was just losing him my whole world mt baby he might have lived they walkes away when he was turning purpl and left him was he awake did he watch them walk away his phone was dead my God so many unanswered questions and those girls get nothing? I will never rest I will never be okay never when it hits me sometimes im so close to suicide but my family keeps me here and help me through those times lije right now talkibg about it im crying and I feel like I never will be able to stop the tears! Thank you everyone for letting me share and I pray for all of you to find peace and may all of our children and famiky and friends we have lost may they be resting in peace God Bless

Enthusiasm Quotes said...

Very amazing pic
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MamaTexas2001 said...

I am very proud of my son, JAMES DONOVAN and I want him to know that I love him with all that I am. We lost his brother, DAVID DONOVAN just last Mother's Day! The pain never goes away, but I understand that he was just loaned to us from God and then he was needed elsewhere! Please be safe, JAMES!!! Love you always!

Bonnie K. said...

I love my son more than any mom around I use to call him my Million dollar baby because when I was like 28-30 I was told I couldn't have children so when I met the man I would spend the rest of my life with after 1 month he ask me to marry him and I said yes, my sister 4 yrs younger then me make us wait 6 months because she said, "no one could fall in love with each other with in 3 days like we did", I told him I was told that I couldn't have children so I was safe to have sex, we were separate one weekend for my 3 younger sisters and I to go to Duluth to bowl in the MN State Bowling Touranment & it was Mothers Day Weekend we did pretty good not enough to win Trophy's but we had fun...Was great to be home and back with the guy I was in love with...Every morning we had coffee...In the middle of June I couldn't stand the smell of coffee and in the afternoons i was throwing up. I just didn't know what was going on, then the guy was engaged to came home he was going to Community College at the age of 39 he said, you may be pregnant and I said "I can't have children" and he said,"well not all docs are right" so we made and appt to go see a doctor and I went in and and i came out smiling ear to ear I couldn't even hide it...........My sister wouldn't still let us elope so when I walk down the aisle with my 10 yr old Nephew standing in for my dad that pass away the year before{7/30/86} and we got marry the same night the MN Twins won there first World Series Game & Kirby Puckett hit a grand slam homer.
My sister told me through my pregnancy I was having a girl,, and i told them I was having a boy. I had no patience to raise a girl and so far god has given me everything I wanted so he wouldn't fail me now so 10/17/87 we said our I do's. and 2/4 the following year I had an emergency C-Section cause everytime I had a traction the baby heart beat went to 0 so I was prep and I her a baby cry at 5:26pm and my hubby look at be and said babe we have a boy.........the abilical cord was wrap around his neck and if we would have waited the 10 minutes the nurse wanted us to wait. He would have died....but his daddy was watching his heart monitor and went out and said I know you said u be back in at 4pm but could you come and watch the baby heart monitor when she has a traction, she wasn't in there 30 sec. and I was being wheel down the hall. My son is my life, he has always been there for me and his dad. He is the best son in the world and on 2/16/17 his girlfriend and our son gave us Twin grandsons that are almost 16 months old...............sorry for my miss spelling some words,... Bonnie K.

Anonymous said...

Warm hugs 🙏

Anonymous said...

How do I get over losing him on August 6, 2018. He was 46. I will never see him again and can barely function

Anonymous said...

I will always need my sons! They are great sons who make me very proud! I feel very lucky to have them!

Momma Rose said...

My son was murdered by a Bridgeton NJ, police officer 2/10/17.....8 days before his audition on NJ Got Talent, as a up and coming rapper....DeRose...23 years old at that time and no children. My son was a loving and caring child and I miss him so much, I'm fighting for justice for my son....DARRYL FUQUA....these cops are killing our children and getting away with it. Please pray for me.....A GRIEVING MOTHER....��������

Anonymous said...

I love my son dearly & unconditionally.

Unknown said...

I lost my oldest son Jason this year on 09/25/2018 to Pancreatic Cancer. He had thousands praying for him. We believed in a Miracle. We did not get it. Love on your children, no matter how old they are. I have another son Shaun 39. I love him. He has been our rock thru all of this. Love your children.

Susan Hughes said...

I will always need my son! Howeber he is in heaven watching over us,He has been on my mind more lately than in a lpng time.i think about him daily but here lately ive been very emotional and miss him so much!!! RIP Blake 1985 - 2008 !! Gone to soon!!!!!! Mom will never forget you!! Until we are reunited , DONT EVER FORGET HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU!!❤❤❤❤❤

josephine said...

After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr AKHERE and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email:
call/whatsapp:+2349057261346 you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS

Unknown said...

For all mothers:
You got a son talk or just to know your son is Alive somewhere ( yes he is alive in me ) and sending unconditional love to you....may you heal.. may you trust..may you start smiling again...may you become hopeful again...may you become a contributing part of the society...

Two basic rules of life :
1) Soul never dies.
2) Soul can connect with you using different methods...I am not saying it's one of them....but if they had a choice they would do what I did here.

Specially for you the reader mother....MAA! I am home...MAA! I am safe...MAA! I am in Peace.

Unknown said...

May God bless you

Unknown said...

I lost my mother in 2013, My dearly beloved sun in 2014, My brother in law in 2016, My idol in life my brother in 2017 and last year his wive my sister in law.... God help me... I am on the edge of loosing all faith...

Anonymous said...

I lost my daughter this year November. She was 32. I have a son 25 but the only time I've seen him is at her funeral. He doesn't call me or text me. He has a 5 year old that I've seen 3 times. I love in Kelowna and he's in mission on the coast. 4 hour drive for him but he claims he's to busy to come up. I didn't even get a happy mother's day message or phone call. I want a relationship with him but I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to not even like him. I need some suggestions on how to get to him.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I've just posted something about my son. I put the only time I've seen him is at her funeral. I've seen him a lot more than that lol but after his sister died he promised he'd keep in contact with me and he doesn't. No calls or texts. Thank you for the mistake

YarnGoddess said...

You MUST talk to your son, tell him how you feel, how important it is to you to have a relationship with him and your grandson. He may also be having trouble coming to terms with the loss of his sister. 25 is a bad age for me, they’re independent and on they’re own and we, as mom’s, have trouble letting go even though we raised them to be independent. Keep trying to form a relationship with him. If you give up, you will always wonder if there had been more you could have done.

Anonymous said...

Keep trying mom and God will do the remaining!
And just try to remind him that one day his son might do the same thing with him when he gets old.
God helps you.

Unknown said...

Ek voel dieselfde spot altyd om te sê hy is my asempie

Anonymous said...

There are no words that can ease the pain of loosing a child but to loose two. So close togethertogether, only God can comfortyou in this loss. He is so Good. Prayingfor you.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain BUT I have 4 Grandbabies & it is My Daughter.
The ONLY Thing You CAN Do IS to continue to let them know that you are there & that you love them & that you want to be a part of their life & your grandson! I have had My heart RIPPED out & handed to me Many times in The last 6yrs from her BUT She IS Slowly coming around... They ALSO get Better wit Age.
I PRAY �� This helps EVEN a little...

Unknown said...

My two sons are the world to me they could not have turned out them with everything I am!!!

Anonymous said...

PRAY!!! Send a card to him telling him how much you live and miss him. Then PRAY AGAIN! PRAYER changed my son and our relationship! It took over a year, bit fervent prayer works!

Unknown said...

My son Shannon Ray Goodwin

Unknown said...

There is no greater love than the love I have for my Sons.Am so very proud of themm..

Unknown said...

Your life sounds so much like mine. I also give birth to one child a son back in April 23 1962.And I had.four bad marriages.Most of the during through those marriages I was usually living alone and raising my son alone to. I had my son when I was 16 years old. But, even those I was a young mother I never once been sorry for having my son at such a young age.I have always had such rough times back then when I was young trying to be a good mother and working between 2 to 3 jobs at one time to support my son and myself. My son is my everything from the day he was born and even to this day. I would've made it if wasn't God's help and my parents help when I needed it. My son have brought me so much fun and laughter in my life over the years while he was growing up to be the wonderful man that he is now. He, has a family of his own now as well as being a grandfather of two small children.He, is a very hard worker, husband and a good father to his own children.Even; those he has his job and family and being busy with other things in his life. He. is still there for me whenever I need him the most like when I had my Lung Cancer back in 2002. And now since, I'm so much older with a lot of health issues. Yes, God has bless me with a wonderful son that I love and very proud of. He, isn't just my son he is also; my very dear friend that I can go to when I need someone to talk to and cry when I am feeling sad or even when I am so happy. So; yes I do understand exactly what you are saying when you expressed your love that you have for your son. May God bless you both and keep you both safe in his loving arms.

Unknown said...

My son is my ray of sunshine and i love him more then words can amagin

Unknown said...

I love you Dan More than you will ever know

Enthusiasm Quotes said...

Interesting Post, thank you for sharing
Wiki Dragons

Lateasha Norris said...


Lateasha Norris said...


Elaine said...

I love my son Marvin he is a blessing from The Lord. He's almost 18. Thank You Jesus!

Anonymous said...

I had my son Jesse when I was 17 just turned 17 and was in a relationship with a man who had 3 other kids with another women she made my life he’ll always calling DHS and crap and the ONLY time she wanted something to do with them is when she wanted to I don’t know I guess a mom crap there birthdays Christmas and it was a lot on me and it also took my bond that I had with my son away because his family made me feel like if I did anything different with him like hold him or shit it’s a wrong I made a mistake I became a mother to those toddlers 1 and 2 year old I potty trained I fell in love but when they got older she would put crap in there heads about us now the Only time they want something is when they need something fuck them they have pulled every string of love I had for those 3 kids so now my son is 18 he’s a awesome guy but we don’t have a bond

Unknown said...

I dont mean to put a downer but i miss my son more than i can put in words i lost him at six months. In saying that never take them for granted

Unknown said...

Wonderful comments

taming io said...

I understand. so is every mother. love my baby!

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Anonymous said...

My sympathy & thoughts are with you our dear sister in faith. So sorry to read of your tragic loss - may Jehovah our God reward you in the happiest ways possible - Job 14: 14

Anonymous said...

I have 2 sons one is 23 and 22 and they the best people ever I’m glad God gave them to me 💙💙 they struggle with life sometimes and pray THE LORD WILL MAKE A WAY FOR THEM TO SERVE HIM & to be in church and love the Lord ! Always love your children when they are small im wishing they were small still because they’re adults and can’t protect them now that there adults :( it’s a sad fact that I have to deal with I just PRAY THEY CHANGE FOR THE GOOD 💙💙✅

Anonymous said...

I will always love my son s

Anonymous said...

Part of a legacy… compassion… love for all… makes us laugh… cry and love… his strength is unending💖🎵my son… my heart🥰

Anonymous said...

My son is my reason for living

Anonymous said...

Love my sons Timothy and Isaiah forever till the day I stop breathing I will take care of them no matter what it takes.

Anonymous said...

Call him if you don't here from him. I have two son one I talk to everyday one maybe every two weeks. He have 3Jobs2 kids. Most of the time I call him

Anonymous said...

I will always treasure my three handsome sons because when lam down, they are always there for me.❤️❤️❤️

Anonymous said...

You should report that to the police ! You can’t do that to anyone. I know someone who went to prison bc a guy died in his house. Everyone thought he was asleep on the couch. But come to find out someone came bk in and saw him choking on his own puke and ran. They got scared but went to prison.