Warning..!!!! An article about vehicle safety.
Something worth remembering and sharing with your family and friends
Some people reported this as an urban myth, however there have been cases in countries such as the USA and South Africa where this has happened and it will do no harm to bear this in mind and be a little more vigilant, especially if a vehicle on your own.
Recently two friends were parked in a public car park. As they drove away one off them noticed a piece of paper on the rear window of the car. They just ignored it and drove home but when they took it off after they got home, it was a receipt for petrol. Then one of them received this email.
Heads up everyone! Please, keep this circulating... You walk across the car park, unlock your car and get inside. You start the engine put it into reverse.
When you look into the rearview mirror to back out of your space, you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So, you stop and jump out of your car to remove that paper (or whatever it is) that is obstructing your view.
When you reach the back of your car, that is when the car-jackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off.
They practically run you over as they speed off in your car.
And guess what, ladies? I bet your purse is still in the car.
So now the car-jacker has your car, your home address, your money, and your keys. Your home and your whole identity are now compromised!
If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, lock your doors and just drive away!!
Remove the paper later and be thankful that you read this e-mail.. I hope you will forward this to friends and family, especially to women.
A purse contains all kinds of personal information and identification documents, and you certainly do NOT want this to fall into the wrong hands.
Please tell your friends
Thanks Dave. Good to know:)
And worse yet, your kids in the car!!!!
ive heard they also do it with fake $100 $$
spread the word for everyone to be very careful TIMES ARE NOT LIKE THEY USED TO BE AND PEOPLE ARE DESPERATE FOR ANYTHING
Makes u wwonder what they'll come up with next ,,,,,,,,,,,
good to know pass on to e everyone you know
thank you this is scary
you cant be to careful now days
Thanks for this as it will be forwarded to everyone I know and I'm going one step farther as I'm going to ask them to forward to everyone they know,etc. Great!!!!
well you ought to check out your car before you get in it and remove it then. Be vigilant and observant and don't just blindly get in.
Now you know this is false right? I just checked snopes.com and it is false. Sorry
Thanks dave :)
Very valuable information that can save lives.
Oh my. It made me think so much about it and its scary. I was thinking of my kids in the car and knowing me I would be so stupid to park up and check for a few mins to see what would be on the window. God forbid for my kids to be took on in the car by hijackers!!! I would be as well to die because I couldn't cope life without them or for them to be hurt. I wouldn't care so much about the car, purse, documents, keys to my house anything else etc as long as my kids were safe. Thanks for this post I need advice like this. Mostly women would fall for a trick like this. I know I probly would. It would be the curiousty of "what's that on my window" and that's when u would be in trouble afterwards. God may mind and protect everyone in this world from all evil and harm and keep them safe.. U can't be up to anyone these days and certainly can't trust anyone or anything
Have read this one before. Never hurts to keep everyone on Alert. Please keep us updated if anything new comes out. Just never know what someone may try from day to day. Thank you for this!
Last updated in 2012. But this is a fair warning to be aware of.
Good, useful, possibly life saving information. Thanks!!!
Please be aware and be careful. Do not read the note till you get home.Lock the doors and drive away.
This is not true - http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/carjack.asp
the police didn't leave a note on the back window. they sent out an email..
This is a fake story..
This is very sick and quite scary as well and to think that you would have children in your car. Wow what is this sick world coming to ?
This may well be a false alarm, but people still need to keep these articles like this on their minds so they will stay alert to the possibility of it happening to them. this is why I always lock my car doors when I go into a store or any type of business. I always look in the front and back seats before getting into my vehicle. A person just cannot be too careful in this day and time. Stay alert. Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. I even watch what vehicles are around me when I am driving. Be safe people.
thanks people are so desperate anymore
Even if this isn't true ..... It could happen. I for one am going to spread the word.
Thank You I Will Deff Repost This Here In Florida. :))
What's scary is that it's 2013 and people still haven't learned to see the giant red flags of an internet urban legend. All the story lacks is a reference to Microsoft+AOL and a Nigerian Prince.
to the one who said this is not true, are u a member of the group being talked about here????? hmmmm (thinking)
Even if this is a false report, it doesn't hurt to be careful and think maybe something will happen if you stop. It is not going to hurt anything to drive away from the area with the paper on the rear window. I would rather be safe than sorry. Besides at this time in history lots of things happen that was never thought of a few years ago, and it is going to get worse.
Thanks for the input. I have taken many trips here lately by myself. I will know to not get out of my vehicle if this happens thanks again
Thank you for this very important information, very helpful.
ALWAYS check your back seat & floor before you get in too. Good advice, a couple of years ago a friend went to Fred Meyers to do shopping (it was around 11 pm) because at that time of night it's not too crowded. She then went across the parking lot and filled up the tank. The attendent noticed that there was a guy in the back seat floor, he (attendant) started the pump, went & called Keizer police. They told him to find some excuse to get her out of the car, they would be right there. She had given him her credit/debit card. So he told her that she needed to come put her pin number in. She got out of the car thankfully, but in the few minutes that it took Keizer to get there (along with the sheriff and Salem), the guy had snuck out of the car and vanished.
Thank you I will have to be more cautious.
Where is the thumbs up for this comment? Be smart like the person I am responding too.
I would have drove to see how long it took before the obstacle blew off.
Even if it is FALSE...the person who started the stupid story is SICK and TWISTED enough to put the tragic happenstance on here for other sick and twisted people to learn from. NICE. Thanks so much for spreading the psychotic instructions.
wow, that would get a lot of people!
Thanks, this is good information., because this can avoid problems and may even save lives!!!!!!!!!!
No truth in this story (please see Snopes, Hoax-Slayer, Urban Legends) which has been doing the rounds the past 10 years! However, it pays to be vigilant at all times — its a wicked world out there! So worth a read!!!
If this is only a myth, then broadcasting it like this is just giving criminals more ideas!!!
snopes.com isn't always right either. Remember they can put anything on the internet. So don't believe everything on a website either.
no doubt this will be copied in the UK by our friends from Europe and East Africa
I think that now this idea has been put out there for the criminals to read about. It probably happens quite often.
thankyou for the warning.It could save your life
thanks for the heads up; Will pass it on
Can anyone actually PROVE that SNOPES, or Urban legends are %100 right all the time?? I seriously doubt it. It's always better to be safe than it is to be sorry. Bad things happen to innocent people ALL the time, and there ARE a lot of sickos out there. Personally, I appreciate any/all reminders of possible danger.
Thanks for Passing this on,you Cant be to Careful these Days,They are So much Bad Stuff going on out there, Be Careful Everyone & God Bless....
and after we read this, we will be too smart to fall for it. =P
it doesn't matter if it isn't true. criminals will try pretty much anything now a days. it is still good to be informed of it just in case this does end up becoming true.
who is snopes??? they get their info off the net just like everyone else...
You tell him!!
Oh, how disgusting. So many 'snakes in the grass' out there. We need to pray for our own safety. I use a placard, but am getting uneasy about parking in handicap. I can walk a short distance. Think I'll take to using my cane and walk further if need be.
Thanks for this info. May we all use wisdom in areas of defense.
Dave thanks for the input it could happen but you failed to say not only ID theift and stolen property you their child or children could be in back seat thats kidnapping
WHERE? In which Country? In which Continent???
Thanks for the reminder,whether fake or not there is a possibility to be happen.
This really did happen i saw it on the news.
Thanks for the warning
For all you idiots who keep saying "this is fake" or this isn't true. Grow up danger it. I'm so sick of people posting things to help others and then dumb people like you who have to reply with it being fake and crap. Who gives a crap if you think it's real or checked snooper. They get the same information off line. Just simply grow up cause guess what, its gonna be idiots like you who have this happen to them. If you don't agree with the post then simply keep your mouth shut and don't reply. Cause honestly weather it has happened or not its still something people need to Consider happening and also for your information it has happened it was all in the paper and on the news last year so maybe you should start being real and look it up. Its people like you who with stupid comments keeps others from sharing things like this. GROW UP YOU CHILDISH IMMATURE INDECENT HUMAN BEINGS. THANKS DAVE FOR SHARING THIS AGAIN. AND EVERYONE ELSE IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED GO TO FOX.CM OR A NEWS SITE AND PULL UP CAR JACKINGS.
thank you, I certainly will. this is sooo scary.
Im sorry I have 5 kids and I am the kind of person that would get out of my car with it running just to get out real quick and grab it idk why u people are writing irs fake this site said so I for one dont believe everythinh on the internet at all and instead of waistinh time to see if its true share it with the people u love cause times are different whrn people are so desperate theywould do anything these days every timr I turn atound u see things that u wouldnt belive could happen or u seen it all and u havnt I think u would better from knowing this false or not wouldnt u feel more safe if godforbid it happened to u at least u know u would be safe and unharmed cause its not worth ignoring like I said I have five kids and I dont know what Iwould do if thid happened to me and have even one of my kids on the car cause I tought it was fake just think if u come across it u would be safe and im not sayinh this to upset u or as anyone just dont want to see anyone harmed cause were I live there are alot of nad things in my.city murder is a big thing here and we have alot of people hooked on drugs and I have seen what these people do to get there next high its always good to be cautious hope u see it like that
thanks for the tip good to know
Snopes is no authority on whats true or not. Even if that particular story is not true it pays to be alert. I live in the Caribbean and my friend, an American who is now deceased was raped repeatedly one night by a guy who was in the back of her car. The funny thing is she checked the backseat of the car. The guy had gotten into her trunk and came in through the back seat while she was driving. She lived through that horror and begged for her life and promised not to tell the police.For years after, every time she saw him she would tremble. And of course he tried it again with a local and was caught; Can Snopes verify that story? They cant. I can confirm it though, because i held her many a times trembling after she saw the jerk!!!!!!
Snopes is no authority on whats true or not. Even if that particular story is not true it pays to be alert. I live in the Caribbean and my friend, an American who is now deceased was raped repeatedly one night by a guy who was in the back of her car. The funny thing is she checked the backseat of the car. The guy had gotten into her trunk and came in through the back seat while she was driving. She lived through that horror and begged for her life and promised not to tell the police.For years after, every time she saw him she would tremble. And of course he tried it again with a local and was caught; Can Snopes verify that story? They cant. I can confirm it though, because i held her many a times trembling after she saw the jerk!!!!!!
Very nice post thanks for sharing that all!
Gatwick Parking
No matter if it was true or not to begin with!!
Because while you all are bickering about who is right or wrong......... A totally different "bad guy" is also reading this, thinking about which car park he's gonna try this at first? Is it gonna be the one that "YOU" park at??? Or is it the one that your wife goes to????
Think about it for a second, then just forward it to everybody!!!!
these stories are myths. sure, maybe "one" of them happened somewhere, to someone....
the very best protection that you can give yourself and it wont cost you a single penny????
people are to causal, to relaxed and that leaves them wide open to be preyed upon. i don't care where you are, you need to be aware of your surroundings, what's going on and who is around!
i am a single female and i drove tractor trailer over the road for over 15yrs. more people asked me how i could dare to do that? wasn't i afraid being by myself? and i would answer, "no, not really". i always told them that they were in more danger at home in familiar surroundings where they felt comfortable. i was always in areas that were unknown to me therefore i kept a constant watch on what was going on. people in their hometowns pay no freaking attention to what's going on when they walk out of "their" walmart or "their" grocery store. simply because they don't think, believe that anything will happen to them so close to home!!!!
Amen! I get so sick of hearing it also.
It could save a life.
You snopes people ......
Think outside the box, You see the paper, you remember reading this, you prepare yourself, you stop your vehicle, open the door, take three steps toward the rear of your vehicle, Now turn, place 3 slugs to center mass of the would be carjacker from your legally concealed carry firearm. This begins to happen frequently, how popular would this tactic be popular with would be carjackers?
Manuel I am betting England or somewhere that they call Petrol by that name and not Gas or Diesel "" it was a receipt for petrol.""
England do use the words petrol and diesel instead of gas but they do not use the word purse instead of handbag !
Don't depend on Snopes... they are just a website run by people like us and they have no inside track to anything! They have been proved wrong many times!\
Where it happens is irrelevant, because I'm sure that crime doesn't pick a location it happens everywhere in every community, every country EVERYWHERE. To: who wouda thunk it??August 16, 2013 at 11:50 AM
SNOPES SAYS THIS IS fake, HAS NEVER HAPPENED Is that supposed to mean that because SNOPES say's it didn't happen, that you believe everything you read on the internet, or is it meant as a sarcastic remark towards SNOPES? If you believe SNOPES then you are a very naive person and you need to stay off the internet. At the very least don't believe everything you read on the internet.
I look in the backseat of my car when I get in but not the back window.
Ok so some Snope smarty says it never happened... Who Cares! Point is someone thought the thing up so it could happen! Why not just be aware of how weird some people's mind's work and the weird or dangerous place you could end up in. Why do so many worry about whether it is true or not? The fact is there are people who do things like this (or some other "believe it or not" sort of thing) all over the planet! Don't end up being the one that is telling a true version of some weird warning just because snope says it never really happened!
Ok will share this with family and frees
Whether it is real or not its a good lesson to be aware.
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