Monday, August 19, 2013

Hard Decision In Life

One of the hardest decisions you'll ever face
in life is whether to walk away or try harder 


Anonymous said...

And sometimes its truly better to walk away

Anonymous said...

It depends on what your talking about

Anonymous said...

Sometimes in the heat of the moment you are not in the right mind frame to say what you truly mean .and the wrong words might come out instead. so yea sometimes the kindness thing to do to a person you want to keep a good relation with is to walk away.

Anonymous said...

Never walk away, make the decision and stand by it, whether wrong or right. If wrong, u will learn from the mistake and if the right decision, u have a victory

Anonymous said...

some times you have to walk away to better someone else you can,t always think about yourself put yourself in their shoes

Anonymous said...

if any person always keeps in mind { what could i say or do to pick up another person } every situation in our lives would become alittle brighter and brighter daily

Anonymous said...

And often, it's the guilty who walk away, for they can't face their own faults in themselves.

Anonymous said...

Yes, walking away is the cowards way.

Anonymous said...

This is true, walking away is a coward way. Just face facts and deal with it for there will be left behind the question of I wonder?