Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Mother Thinks About Her Children Day and Night

A mother thinks about her children day and night,
even if they are not with her and will love them in
a way they will never understand 


  1. wishing safe travels to my son who is traveling to England and possibly Egypt over the next 10+ days!

  2. many blessing to my baby boy who just left for the US Navy !! Love you Son, We are so
    Proud of You.....

  3. Many love to my son whose birthday is today, and safe traveling to my daughter who will be coming back home from the Gambia on Friday.

  4. Lost my son to God March 26,2017!I will never understand why I had to lose One of the biggest parts of my life and my BABY boy!! How does one deal with this loss?? plz help me understand!!

  5. You don't have your 'Search bar' I have Blue-Green Mood Eyes! 👁👁 😊❤
