Friday, June 21, 2013

Sometimes People Change....

Sometimes people will change because
they are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!


  1. I have been having a HEAVY HEART for days now,and I kept asking God why am I feeling this way? This morning finally GOD gave me the answer...he said it is because I have put it on your Heart so HEAVY that you would do this for me. God told me that he wants me to step out of my comfort zone of only being around my Church family and Believers...that I wasnt doing my part by not spreading Gods word to others! I was like what more can I do I try God told me to use this Face Book that EVERYBODY LOVES so much and write this " PLEASE DON'T LET THE DEATH OF MY SON JESUS... WHO DIED FOR ALL OF YOU.... BE IN VAIN" COME TO ME NOW BEFORE IT IS TO LATE!!

    1. Glory to God!

    2. Kimberly but what will God do when I come to him?

  2. Yes my ex bestfriend did change but not for the better

  3. why do you judge. because things weren't all about you all of a sudden? You werent a friennd then.
