Monday, April 1, 2013

The Love Between A Parent and Their Child

Until you've counted little fingers, played with little toes,
held a little hand, kissed a little nose, rubbed a little tummy,
cleaned those little ears, changed a little bottom
and wiped away little tears, you will never know the feeling
of love between a parent and their child.

I am sharing this because my children are the best thing that
ever happened to me and I love them with all I am.


  1. The next best thing that ever happened to me after meeting and marrying their Dad. Love them all x

  2. I love my kids am proud of them

  3. i'm happy i have my kid's with me juss wish i had my baby son with me my life is all most kid's r the best thing in my life love u baby's i'm allway's here 4 u's.

  4. I agree. tehy have made me a better person.

  5. I am proud of my kids.

  6. I love all my girls xoxo

  7. love my babies more than anything in this world xoxoxox

  8. Love my children,more today then the day they were born. Because they gave me beautiful grandchildren.

  9. I know this to be true, I love all my children with every breath of my being. NO matter how old they get I keep wishing I could do it all over again and have them little again. I love my kids so much that it would be a blessing to think that they love me that much but they dont't they have their spouses and children that replaced me long ago. That is sadfully but truthfully the fact of life. Its like you have a child who think your their world untl 30-to 60 days after they meet the one they think they love and then in such a short period you become second. That person in such a short period becomes 1st place in their life after all you sacrificed for them. You take second place to someone who they have know for less than 90 days. Thats life. It hurts but that's how it is.

  10. Thanks ever so much for making someone who is unable to have kids feel awesome...(not sure if you understand sarcasm...if not this note is DRIPPING with it). Oh and no... I "won't continue to try" as I've had to have all my "motherly love" parts ripped out so I didn't get cancer.
    Kiss my ass. Looser.

  11. Its beautiful...i don't have children. I hope the lord sends me one some day. But I have been blessed with 17 nieces and nephews and one great nephew. I love them all and would hurt tremendously if anything ever happened. And yes, I know what its like to kiss their little hands and feet and forehead. I know what it feels like carrying them and then watching them get so big that one day they will carry you. I know what its like to hold their hand and protect them from harm. I love being driven in their cars and them protecting me. love raising them and loving them.

  12. The best name I've ever been called - mommy!

  13. The nerve of some people to ruin a beautiful quote. You are in treatment , your kids are in foster care and have been for sometime. You are not a parent, giving birth does not give you the right to call yourself a parent. Supporting, loving and caring for them does none of which you have done. You have allowed them to be abused while you used drugs. Thank God they will have a mother and father soon and Thank God I know the kids will that it isn,t with you. Please don't ruin these beautiful parent and child poems. Their are many people who would love to have children and can't and many who are wonderful parents. This was meant for them. Not a drug addict, welfare stealing piece of crap like you

    1. Wow read some of the other post. Why talk crap about someones mistake and bad decisions. Addiction is a deseise. (Spelled wrong) but anyways what if that person had aids and had the children taken away for their protection, would you still discriminate.

  14. I truly love all of mine.

  15. I love my kids.

  16. I love my kids do much
