Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Mother And Her Children

A mother thinks about her children day and night,
even if they are not with her and will love them
in a way they will never understand.


  1. All Mothers are women but not all women are mothers.

  2. Until they become parents.

  3. unfortunately for some it takes more than giving birth to figure that out.

  4. I can still close my eyes and picture exactly what each one looked like the very first time I laid eyes on them, the memories are embedded in my mind

  5. There is no love as great as the love a TRUE mother has for her children.

  6. lol it's a joke you can spit them out till the cows come home and funny how you left them, and you claim to be a mother no woman your a low life looser i have the boys not you and your drugggie man, please just die but no and wow your preggars again and were all gonna pay for it well done love, remarried fucked him up like you did me but this is one kid your stuck with. ha jokes on you woman it aint mine i will never look at you as your the soil i soil ha

  7. Although I was not a perfect Mother, I tried hard. And yes, I think about my sons even now that they are grown and on their own. Funny how that is..... =D

  8. I LOVE MY CHILDREN AND MY GRANDKIDS .BESIDE MY GOD FIRST!!!! I couldn't live without..and myhusband DANIEL. MOTHER.

  9. The first time you experience being a mother is the first time you experience unconditional love
